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Russian fighter cuts off US F-16 in 'dangerous' move during interception

Russian fighter cuts off US F-16 in 'dangerous' move during interception
Russian fighter cuts off US F-16 in 'dangerous' move during interception


A Russian Su-35 fighter flew across the front of a US Air Force F-16 carrying out a routine interception of Russian aircraft off the coast of Alaska in a dramatic incident on September 23. The U.S. military called the encounter “dangerous,” and said the Russian airmen's actions were “unprofessional and put everyone at risk.”

The US F-16, assigned to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), conducted the interception in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), in space international air travel. Videos and images released by NORAD show the F-16 monitoring a Russian Tu-95 before a Su-35 fighter clipped the F-16's nose in what is known as a headbutt maneuver.

NORAD aircraft conducted a safe and disciplined interception of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ, NORAD Air Force Commander Gen. Gregory M. Guillot said in a statement published on social networks. Operating a Russian Su-35 was dangerous, unprofessional, and endangering anything one would see in a professional air force.

The pilot of the US Air Force F-16, which had a video camera mounted inside, can be heard exclaiming in apparent surprise as the Su-35 Flanker flew past them. The US F-16 appeared to be carrying AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles.

The F-16 likely comes from the 18th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, based at Eielson Air Force Base. This is the Viper unit responsible for conducting numerous interceptions of Russian and recently Chinese aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ. Russian planes entered Alaska's ADIZ four times in September, according to NORAD. The September 23 interception involved four Russian planes, the command said in a press release at the time.

We are well positioned to respond when these forces enter the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, and you have seen this unfold, said Air Force Lt. Gen. Case Cunningham, chief of the Alaska NORAD Region, Alaska Command, and the 11th Air Force, told Air & Space Forces Magazine in an interview earlier this month.

The Russian and Chinese flights were all in international airspace because Alaska's ADIZ extends beyond U.S. and Canadian territory, and ADIZ interceptions often occur all over the world, including including interceptions of American planes.

The Russian Air Force has already shown its readiness to engage in aggressive tactics, notably in Syria, where Russian aircraft have closed in on US fighters, surveillance aircraft and drones in 2023, although this behavior appears to have diminished this year in the Middle East. East.

The biggest risk for all of us is that these planes do not fly on training missions; they are on a combat mission, Lt. Gen. Alexus G. Grynkewich, then commander of Air Forces Central, said of the incidents in Syria in June 2023. Our planes have live weapons on board; Russian planes have real weapons on board. And that kind of behavior really increases the risk of a miscalculation, some sort of unintended incident.

In July 2023, Russian Su-35 aircraft damaged two American MQ-9 Reaper drones with flares as they flew past the drones. This incident occurred just months after the United States was forced to crash an MQ-9 into the Black Sea in March 2023 after a Russian Su-27 clipped the drone's propeller, rendering the Reaper unrecoverable, according to the US military.

On September 23, 2024, a US Air Force F-16 operating under the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted a routine interception of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft in the Identification Zone Air Defense of Alaska (ADIZ) when a Russian Su-35 aircraft performed a “dangerous” maneuver aimed at the F-16. (Video from the Ministry of Defense)

On September 23, 2024, a US Air Force F-16 operating under the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted a routine interception of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft in the Identification Zone Air Defense of Alaska (ADIZ) when a Russian Su-35 aircraft performed a “dangerous” maneuver aimed at the F-16. (Video from the Ministry of Defense)

On September 23, 2024, a US Air Force F-16 operating under the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted a routine interception of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft in the Identification Zone Air Defense of Alaska (ADIZ) when a Russian Su-35 aircraft performed a dangerous maneuver aimed at the F-16. (Video from the Ministry of Defense)




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