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I Left the US for Jamaica and I'm So Much Happier

I Left the US for Jamaica and I'm So Much Happier
I Left the US for Jamaica and I'm So Much Happier


In 2017, I was raising two young children, working as a human resources specialist, and trying to pay off over $50,000 in debt.

I started a blog called “Money Talk with Tiff” to chronicle my journey to eradicating debt and help others do the same. Two years later, I started the “Money Talk with Tiff” podcast and became a full-time entrepreneur, running my business from my home in North Carolina.

I didn't think about leaving the United States to live elsewhere until very recently. My father is originally from Jamaica, so I have always felt connected to the island. In 2021, when I was 31 and pregnant with my third child, I finally had the opportunity to visit him.

I fell in love with everything: the landscapes, the smells, the weather, the people, the food.

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I stayed for a month, visiting family I had never met, meeting new friends who felt like family, and traveling from city to city. I didn't want to leave.

I started seriously considering moving to the island. I came to the conclusion that I had been my own boss for a while and I could work from anywhere, why not in this place that truly felt like home?

So, in May, I moved with my two youngest children, ages 10 and one, to Negril, Jamaica. I am so much happier now. Here's why.

I work outside every day and spend less

Every time I sit on my porch, I say, “My office is open.” There are incredible landscapes right outside my door, so I work outside every day.

I live on a cliff in Negril, so getting to the beach is about a 10 minute drive. It only takes me two minutes to walk to one of my favorite restaurants, Rick's Café, where I can jump off cliffs into the ocean.

My view from my veranda, where I work every day.

Photo: Tiffany Grant

My house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a fenced yard with many fruit trees. I have moringa, mangoes, nase berries and ackee in my garden.

The area I live in is one of the most expensive on the island, as it is more popular with tourists. But my expenses are about $1,900 a month, including rent, utilities, child care, food, transportation, tuition, and home maintenance.

When I lived in North Carolina, my same expenses were around $3,000 per month.

My young children are thriving

My oldest will be graduating soon, so it made sense for him to live with his father and finish high school in the United States. But my youngest is in elementary school and was not doing well academically in North Carolina. It was an opportunity for him to make a fresh start.

In Jamaica, children can spend a large part of the day in nature instead of sitting in front of screens all the time.

A view of Travelers Beach Resort, where I often take my kids to the beach.

Photo: Tiffany Grant

When he is at school, my son and his classmates have two recess times, one for 35 minutes and another for 45 minutes. When he comes home, he stays outside until dark. I have already noticed that his concentration is improving.

In Jamaica, children start school at the age of three. My youngest is almost two now and I can't wait for them both to experience this kind of educational environment.

Me in front of the Negril sign.

Photo: Tiffany Grant

We have been adopted by our community

The kids and I often spend days at the beach and sometimes go to the river. We go fishing without rods, just plastic bottles, hooks and fishing line. I even went crab hunting at night.

Some people here like to do “bush cooking”, that is, they prepare food outside, and people will happily offer you a plate if you are around.

The food here is amazing. From fish to fruit, everything is fresh and not ultra-processed. Many vendors sell local specialties, like galettes, delicious savory pastries filled with spicy beef and jerk chicken.

Delicious jerk chicken, rice and vegetables from a street vendor.

Photo: Tiffany Grant

There is so much culture and community here. I love reggae music and it's not uncommon to hear people blasting it throughout the day.

Even though I was friendly with my neighbors back home, we barely saw each other. Here, even though people are busy with work and chores, everyone stops regularly to say hello and inquire about each other's well-being.

On my street, most of the residents are related to each other and they graciously welcomed us into their family.

“There is no longer any need to rush”

We don't have hot water, which surprisingly I don't miss. We have an air conditioner, we wash our clothes by hand and hang them on the line. I love him. This is what life was like for my grandparents and their parents, and now we can be a part of it.

Here, there is none of the hustle mentality, nor the constant stress and anxiety that is so prevalent in the United States. People here are more relaxed.

There is so much fresh and wonderful produce here, from bananas to coconuts.

Photo: Tiffany Grant

It can also manifest itself in unexpected ways. When I opened my bank account, it was an all-day event. It's the same for many tasks you want to accomplish. Getting your food from a restaurant takes time because everything is cooked from scratch.

The slower speed frustrated me, but I realized it's okay if you go with the flow. There is no need to rush anymore. You can take your time and live in the moment.

This decision inspired me. I am in the process of starting another business to chronicle my journey here and help others experience Jamaica and all of its natural beauty. I couldn't be happier to have taken this step.

Tiffany Grant is a financial educator, writer, podcaster and coach. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Tiffany was a human resources professional. She is the founder and host of “Money Talk with Tiff,” an accredited financial advisor, and holds an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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