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Yemen's Houthi rebels claim to have shot down another US-made drone as US admits losing one

Yemen's Houthi rebels claim to have shot down another US-made drone as US admits losing one


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) Yemen's Houthi rebels claimed Monday they had shot down another U.S.-made MQ-9 Reaper drone over the country, with videos purportedly showing a surface-to-air missile hitting it. The US military has admitted losing a drone.

The claimed attack comes as the first anniversary of the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip approaches. The Houthis have targeted ships crossing the Red Sea during the war as US-led airstrikes pounded their positions in Yemen. That endangers a waterway that typically sees $1 trillion in trade pass through, as well as crucial aid shipments to war-torn Sudan and Yemen.

The Houthis also continue to launch missiles against Israel, leading to retaliatory Israeli airstrikes on the port city of Hodeida this weekend.

Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree, a military spokesman, said the rebels had shot down the MQ-9 in a pre-recorded message broadcast Monday evening, hours after video footage showing the alleged missile hitting the plane was posted online. above Saada province in Yemen. A single image online also appears to show the wreckage of the drone, with pieces resembling those of an MQ-9.

Later images released by the Houthis showed that the rebels had piled up the drone's electronic components, likely to see what they could exploit from the wreckage. One piece appeared to come from an MK-82 bomb, which can be armed on a Reaper.

In response to questions from The Associated Press, the U.S. military acknowledged that an MQ-9 was shot down, but we have nothing further to provide.

The General Atomics Reapers, which cost about $30 million apiece, can fly at altitudes of up to 50,000 feet (15,240 meters) and have an endurance of up to 24 hours before needing to land. The US military and the CIA have been flying over Yemen for years.

Since the Houthis seized the north of the country and its capital Sanaa in 2014, the US military has seen Reapers shot down in Yemen in 2017, 2019, 2023 and 2024. The US military has acknowledged that the Houthis have shot down two MQ-9s in September.

The Houthis have targeted more than 80 merchant ships with missiles and drones since the Gaza war began in October. They seized one ship and sank two during this campaign which also killed four sailors. Other missiles and drones were intercepted by a US-led coalition in the Red Sea or failed to hit their targets, which also included Western military ships.

The rebels say they are targeting ships linked to Israel, the United States or the United Kingdom to force an end to the Israeli campaign against Hamas in Gaza. However, many of the ships attacked have little or no connection to the conflict, including some bound for Iran.

These attacks include a barrage that hit the Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion in the Red Sea. Salvagers towed the burning tanker, hoping to avoid a catastrophic leak of its million barrels of oil on board. Firefighting efforts aboard the Sounion began last week and the operation proceeded with promising results as some fires were extinguished and others brought under control, the Joint Information Center reported Monday maritime.

The center, overseen by the US Navy, also acknowledged that the last attack on a merchant ship by the Houthis took place on September 2, but that the rebels remain a threat.

Despite a decline in attacks on merchant ships over the past two weeks, the Houthis have demonstrated the ability and willingness to target U.S. Navy assets and coalition partners, the center said.

The Houthis claimed responsibility for an attack targeting US warships last week. The rebels fired more than half a dozen ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles as well as two drones at three American ships passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, but all were intercepted by the navy destroyers, a US official said on Friday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details that have not yet been made public.


Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor in Washington contributed to this report.




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