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Cabinet minister contenders: Who could become Britain's next civil servant? | civil service

Cabinet minister contenders: Who could become Britain's next civil servant? | civil service
Cabinet minister contenders: Who could become Britain's next civil servant? | civil service


Simon Case has resigned as a cabinet minister and will step down at the end of the year. His departure has set off a race to become his successor, with job advertisements already being circulated and attracting a wide range of applicants. Until now, only white men held cabinet secretarial positions.

Melanie Doss Photo: Supplied

The Ofcoms chief executive has worked in a variety of government departments, from HMRC to the Cabinet Office and the Treasury, and was permanent secretary to the Department for Communities and Local Government at the time of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Dawe spoke to Civil Service World last year about the challenges of juggling parenthood with a big job, and how Grenfell helped instill in her a deep belief in the importance of good, effective and balanced regulation. I did it.

oliver robbins

Oliver Olly Robbins, who recently became a partner at Hakluyt, a consultancy founded by former MI6 intelligence officers, has been repeatedly linked to the position. He oversaw Brexit negotiations under Theresa May before leaving the civil service in December 2019.

Photo: Simon Dawson/Reuters

He was spotted heading out to meet Keir Starmer and his team and is said to get on well with the Prime Minister's chief of staff, Sue Gray, but has not confirmed whether he is interested in returning to government.

But some in No 10 want someone with less Brexit-related baggage and would prefer a less visible candidate, especially given the long history of white male ministers. Government insiders believe he will take on a security role instead.

Antonia Romeo

The Deputy Minister of Justice is a rare high-ranking public official and is very well-connected. She may have irritated her colleagues by standing out more than many permanent secretaries, but Romeo's reputation was burnished when it was revealed that she had spoken on behalf of more junior colleagues in a lawsuit filed by Dominic Raab over incidents of bullying of private office staff.

Jeremy Pocklington Photo:

A career civil servant, Pocklington held top positions in the Department of Housing and then as Permanent Secretary to the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero after their creation. He is understood to have developed a rapport with Gray, who will work closely with whoever takes up the Cabinet secretary role, and recently spoke at the Global Governance Forum about how AI and the digital revolution will transform the civil service.

Tamara Finkelstein

As permanent secretary at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Finkelstein worked in Whitehall and will be an experienced candidate after five years in the role.

Minush Shafiq

Shafik, a former deputy governor of the Bank of England, is leading a government review of UK development aid. She also previously served as permanent secretary at the Department for International Development and recently stepped down as president of Columbia University in New York over the handling of protests in the Gaza Strip.




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