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Black History Month in the UK begins with the goal of recovering the narrative | black history month

Black History Month in the UK begins with the goal of recovering the narrative | black history month
Black History Month in the UK begins with the goal of recovering the narrative | black history month


Exhibitions and plaques commemorating key black figures and highlighting the terrible legacy of African enslavement will be part of Black History Month.

First held in the UK in October 1987, Black History Month is the largest and most widely recognized event celebrating black culture and the historical and contemporary contribution of black Britons.

This year's Black History Month is themed around reclaiming narratives, what activists describe as a significant shift in recognizing and revising the narratives of black history and culture.

Black History Month UK magazine said the theme highlights a commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies, revealing untold success stories and the full complexity of black heritage.

In London on Tuesday, activists will gather for the unveiling of a blue plaque at 57 Castletown Road, West Kensington, where five influential black figures stayed from 1928 to 1964. Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's first president; Jamaican activists Marcus and Amy Garvey; Malcolm X; There is also Nigerian-born anti-racism activist Ladipo Solanke.

Gaverne Bennett, heritage officer at Hammersmith and Fulham Council, said: These special plaques commemorating these historic figures are a living link that captures every thread of black history and the wider history of the past 100 years in this special place. It is important because it provides. .

Bennett, a PhD student at the University of Leicester who created a timeline of black literature for the British Library, added: If anyone, especially young people, are looking for inspiration on how to change their country and the world, they need look no further than the five people honored. It's the start of Black History Month in the UK.

In Bristol, descendants of transatlantic slavery have opened an exhibition called 50 Plaques & Places. It displays a plaque commemorating individuals in the city who received financial compensation under the Abolition Act of 1833 for so-called property losses.

This exhibition, curated by Gloria Daniel and Sandra Daniel, will be unveiled at Ashton Court, a place steeped in historical pain and deeply symbolic. One of the owners of Ashton Court, 19th-century Bristol city councilor Thomas Daniel, received compensation for at least 4,424 Africans.

Gloria Daniel, founder of TTeach Plaques, said: 50 Plaques & Places is a powerful act of reclamation led by descendants of people who were once enslaved. By bringing this plaque to Ashton Court Mansion, which has painful associations with this history, we are forcing a confrontation with the truth, and in doing so we are forcing African and Caribbean-born people who have experienced unspeakable terror and violence. We honor the memory of our ancestors. It is in the hands of these people, with the support and support of the British government, the Church and the King.

Other celebrations and events include a new festival in Birmingham called Niyo Fest. The festival will feature technology, hair and beauty brands working together. and Slave: A Question of Freedom, a play exploring the life of Sudanese writer and human rights activist Mende Nazer, performed at Manchester's Quays Theatre.




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