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Avocado bathrooms are back in the UK as young homeowners look to go green | home improvement

Avocado bathrooms are back in the UK as young homeowners look to go green | home improvement
Avocado bathrooms are back in the UK as young homeowners look to go green | home improvement


Wild sage, lemon, peach, sherbet, mint and avocado are not the ingredients of a bizarre fruit salad, but rather some of the forgotten shades of British bathrooms that were popular in the mid-20th century.

In the 1990s, ornate suites disappeared from homes as white, minimalist, and neutral designs became mainstream. But avocado-colored bathrooms are back, and it's Gen Z and Millennials that are driving this trend.

According to a report from DIY retailer Wickes, nearly 30% of homeowners aged 18 to 34 said that if given the opportunity to upgrade their bathroom, they would choose green, especially avocado shades.

And suppliers have noticed an increase in interest that was unprecedented a decade ago. Sam Powell, founder of retro bathroom supplier Brokenbog and Bold Bathroom Company, said there had been increased interest in avocado-toned products. I heard that coral pink is popular, and avocado is also becoming more popular.

The company has focused on replacement parts, parts for restaurants and pubs and the occasional TV show or movie request, but in the past few years a younger generation has been showing interest in these retro fixtures. We have made a real difference to our customer base, but for a long time we have been dealing primarily with the older generation. Maybe it's an old lady who has been using the toilet since 1975 and wants to keep it that way.

We have now seen many people come down from London where they have bought their first home – their dream home. This is an opportunity to put your own stamp on things, he said.

A more modern green tone in Wickes bathroom. Photo: Wikis

The customers tend to be the young, creative type of people in the fashion world, between the ages of 25 and 35. It's definitely a change, Powell added.

But the avocado color revival isn't everyone's cup of tea. Less than 1 in 20 people over the age of 55 who have lived through the avocado era said they would choose avocados.

By the 1970s, hundreds of thousands of homes across Britain had avocado green suites. Interest died out in the 80's and you would now be hard-pressed to find the product in your average bathroom store.

The return of green bathrooms isn't limited to fixtures, Wickes said. The green theme is applied using furniture, tiles and paint. From ornate bathroom tiles to bold bathtubs or vanities, avo's revival is said to be a more subtle nod to some of the most infamous looks in our bathroom archives.

Annie Sloan, color and paint expert and founder of Chalk Paint, says the new love for the avocado color can be explained by the return of '70s trends and the recognition of green as a neutral colour. From deep emerald to soft sage green, we see green everywhere – on walls, kitchens, furniture, and even bathrooms.

Green, like nature, is the perfect neutral color that goes with all other colours, so the Avocado range works with complementary tones of red and pink for a cozy effect, while blue and white create a fresh, modern look.

She adds that earthy paint colors and organic materials are on trend, and that green works well with a palette of soft beiges, warm browns, paprika and muted pinks. These warm tones are great for bathrooms, but when used in a white suite they can look somewhat cold and impersonal.

Elizabeth Taylor, director of Discontinued Bathrooms, which has sinks, toilets, bathtubs and shower trays in more than 90 colors, echoed this sentiment. People really like the traditional Art Deco style, so they want to have a traditional Art Deco bathroom, but in one of those bright, fun colors, she said.

Was the return of avocado greens a surprise to Powell? I always thought I had a chance. Because when avocado was popular, it sold way more than all the other colors they were making at the time combined. And I think it has a nice, calming, very natural tone.

They always say things come back. We've been waiting 40 years for it to come back.




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