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Jimmy Carter, former US president, celebrates his 100th birthday

Jimmy Carter, former US president, celebrates his 100th birthday
Jimmy Carter, former US president, celebrates his 100th birthday



Jimmy Carter, pictured in 2016, is the longest-serving former US president

Jimmy Carter celebrates his 100th birthday on Tuesday, making him the first American president to reach this milestone.

Carter, a Democrat who served in the White House from 1977 to 1981, spent the last 19 months in a hospice facility in his home state of Georgia.

But the former peanut farmer, who first entered politics in the 1960s as a state senator, is “emotionally engaged and continues to experience, laugh and love,” said her grandson, Jason, said in September.

And the centenarian still has political ambitions: “I'm just trying to vote for Kamala Harris” in the November election, said the humanitarian and Nobel Prize winner, according to his grandson.

To honor the occasion, volunteers from Habitat for Humanity – the housing charity Carter has worked with for 40 years – are building 30 homes in Minnesota this week.

Several events were held in Plains, the former Georgia governor's hometown, to celebrate the occasion on Tuesday.

The day began with a naturalization ceremony for 100 people from 30 different countries, all of whom became U.S. citizens. In the afternoon, a military flyover – including four F-18 jets – circled the skies over the Plains.

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Carter was inaugurated in 1977

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He hosted Pope John Paul II at the White House in 1979.

This follows a star-studded concert in Atlanta, Georgia, earlier this month to celebrate the president's 39th birthday and raise money for the Carter Center.

“It was an incredible evening, full of great music and heartfelt tributes, and it made history as the first-ever celebration of the 100th birthday of a living American president,” Carter said at the time .

The concert, which raised more than $1.2 million ($900,000) and also included recorded messages from other presidents, will be broadcast on Georgia Public Channel on Tuesday. Dozens of musical acts performed at the event and thousands of people attended.

The former president will watch the show on Tuesday, his family said.

Carter, who was unable to attend the concert in person, made a rare public appearance in November 2023 when he attended a memorial service for his wife Rosalynn, who died at the age of 96 earlier this month – there.

Their marriage, lasting 77 years, remains the longest of any first couple.

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After their time at the White House, the first couple supported the charity Habitat for Humanity

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Carter published a book called Faith: A Journey For All in 2018.

When Carter first entered a hospice facility in Plains, Ga., in February 2023, some relatives reportedly estimated he had just days to live.

It's a gift, Josh Carter, another of his grandsons, said of the past few months in a recent interview with The New York Times. This is a gift I didn't think we would receive.

Others say Carter's story also raised awareness of the benefits of palliative care. “We all support Jimmy Carter,” Barbara Pearce, CEO of Connecticut Hospice, told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

“He did more for us than we could ever do for ourselves by emphasizing that it was a reasonable choice to make,” she said. “He gave everyone permission to consider [hospice care] as a reasonable option that does not shorten their lives, but increases their comfort and fulfillment. »




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