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British military involvement in response to Iranian attack on Israel

British military involvement in response to Iranian attack on Israel
British military involvement in response to Iranian attack on Israel


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Britain's military was involved in supporting Israel after Iran launched ballistic missiles at Israel, the Defense Secretary has revealed.

John Healey, who was in Cyprus to visit military officials, said the British military played a role in efforts to prevent further escalation on Tuesday, later adding that RAF jets were ready to engage Iranian targets but were not required to do so. Yes.

The BBC understands that British military jets did not shoot down the Iranian ballistic missile and that the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Duncan did not fire a Sea Viper missile.

An RAF Typhoon jet based in Cyprus shot down an Iranian drone in April but is not equipped to track and shoot down ballistic missiles.

Mr Healey said RAF Typhoons were in the air when Iran launched the attack on Tuesday night, calling it “part of a wider effort to prevent further escalation and demonstrate Britain's firm support for Israel's right to self-defense and security”.

When asked why the Typhoons did not engage their targets, he said it was because of the different nature of the attacks compared to April and because Israel's own defenses were dealing with a “massive attack.”

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Britain “stands with Israel” and recognized Britain's right to self-defense.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it fired the missiles in retaliation for recent attacks that killed Hezbollah and Hamas militant leaders and a senior Iranian commander.

Israel said that most of the 180 missiles launched were intercepted.

Mark Saville, head of military science at British defense think tank RUSI, said the RAF Typhoon jets were “not well equipped to shoot down ballistic missiles”.

“It is possible that the UK may have provided intelligence, surveillance or other tracking data on its behalf,” he said.


Healey thanked British officials for their courage and professionalism.

“The UK fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself and its people against threats.”

Healey is meeting some of the British personnel in Cyprus as they prepare for the possible evacuation of British nationals from Lebanon.

British people in Lebanon have been advised to register their presence with officials through a government website and a British charter plane left Beirut on Wednesday.

“We have been booking additional seats on commercial flights that are still leaving Beirut airport, and we have also booked our first special charter commercial flight today to ensure that those who want to leave and are ready to leave can do so,” the Minister of Defense said. “And they can do that and continue to do so if they respond to our government’s calls to leave.”

But some people told the BBC they had not received confirmation or details about their government charter flight bookings despite paying for their seats.

Libby, 25, a British citizen, was trying to board a commercial flight from Beirut to Cairo on Wednesday morning and described conditions in the Lebanese capital as “horrible”.

“I can’t sleep because I hear Israeli drones overhead, and I wake up at night because of the strikes,” she told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.


John Healy (right) meets Cypriot Defense Minister Vassilis Palmas.

Last April, British warplanes shot down a number of drones launched from Iran towards Israel.

The drone was intercepted over Syrian and Iraqi airspace, where the RAF was already operating as part of the Operation Shader mission against the Islamic State group.

The decision to use the jet in April was made by the previous Conservative government and was supported by Sir Keir at the time and afterwards.

Sir Keir used his Downing Street address to condemn Iran's attacks on Israel, saying he was “deeply concerned that the region is in crisis.”

“We stand with Israel and recognize Israel’s right to self-defense against these attacks,” he said.

He urged Iran to stop its attacks, adding: “Iran, with its proxies like Hezbollah, has been terrorizing the Middle East for too long, bringing chaos and destruction not only to Israel but also to people living in Lebanon and beyond.” .

“Make no mistake: the UK stands squarely in the face of such violence. We support Israel’s reasonable demands for the safety of its people.”

Sir Keir was on the phone with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu when the Iranian attack began.

The two men had been talking about the possibility of Tehran launching missiles for about 15 minutes, when Netanyahu had to abandon the call after being told an attack was underway.

During the call, Sir Keir also emphasized the importance of a ceasefire in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Conservative leader Rishi Sunak said: “We unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself, including against Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

In a statement, the Prime Minister reiterated his advice to British citizens to leave Lebanon and warned that the situation was “increasingly dire”.

He added: “If you can afford to leave, now is the time. Don't wait.”

As of last week, it was estimated that there were between 4,000 and 6,000 British people in Lebanon, including their dependents.

The missile attack came hours after Israel launched “limited, localized and targeted” airstrikes against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Lebanese officials say more than 1,000 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes over the past two weeks. Hezbollah responded by firing hundreds of rockets into northern Israel.

Previously sporadic cross-border fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on October 8, 2023. The day after the unprecedented attack on Israel by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah opened fire on Israeli positions in solidarity with Palestine.




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