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The UK and the European Union (EU) have promised to hold summit meetings regularly from 2025.

The UK and the European Union (EU) have promised to hold summit meetings regularly from 2025.


The EU and Britain have pledged to hold the first of a series of annual summits next year, following talks between the two sides in Brussels to begin a reset in their post-Brexit relationship.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said after meeting European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, they agreed we could do more together, particularly in several key areas to promote growth and prosperity.

They will also work together on common challenges such as climate change, energy security and illegal migration, and strengthen our common security and stability.

He said it would put relations with Europe on a stronger and more stable footing. That is what the British people want.

The two sides plan to hold regular top-level summits from 2025, and Starmer has pledged to advance talks by early next year by focusing on what we can do, not what we cannot do.

“That doesn’t mean it will be easy,” he said, repeatedly saying there would be no freedom of movement, no customs union or a return to the single market. He plans to meet von der Leyen again before the end of the year.

Concerns about regional security have grown since Britain left the EU in 2020, while Russia's invasion of Ukraine has sparked strategic incentives for greater cooperation between allies.

Starmer, a member of the Labor Party who won the British general election last July, said he would like to sign a security agreement with Brussels covering areas such as defense and energy cooperation.

The two parties promised to protect shared values ​​on global issues such as military conflict in the Middle East, migration, and climate change.

Starmer and von der Leyen joined other G7 leaders in a meeting to condemn Iran's attacks on Israel. Starmer urged all parties to show restraint and avoid escalation. No one wants regional wars.

Dear Keir, In these very uncertain times, we and like-minded partners must work even closer together, von der Leyen said at the start of the meeting.

But officials on both sides warned not to expect a quick result after four years of strained relations since Britain left the EU.

The Commission and EU member states will insist on a strict UK policy on trade flows between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as set out in the Windsor Framework alongside the Post-Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

“We have concluded a series of solid agreements,” von der Leyen said. We must explore scope for further cooperation, focusing on the full and faithful implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement, the Windsor Framework and the TCA.

Several member states have warned against allowing Britain to choose its policy. They also want continued access to fishing waters beyond 2026, which Starmer did not rule out in his post-meeting press conference.

Asked about the Commission's proposed youth mobility deal that would allow 18-30 year olds from the European Union to live in the UK for up to four years and vice versa, Starmer said free movement was a red line. .

Starmer also met European Council President Charles Michel, who chairs the EU summit, and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

Metsola welcomed Britain's new position but reiterated that the rights of the six million EU citizens currently in the country must be protected, one of the officials said.




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