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Helene is the deadliest hurricane in the United States since Katrina, the death toll reaches 200

Helene is the deadliest hurricane in the United States since Katrina, the death toll reaches 200
Helene is the deadliest hurricane in the United States since Katrina, the death toll reaches 200


Hurricane Helene: North Carolina building sinks down river, crushes into debris

The death toll from Hurricane Helena rises to 200 as rescuers continue to search for survivors of the storm that ravaged the southeastern United States.

More than half of the deaths occurred in North Carolina, where entire communities were uprooted and devastated by the deadliest continental storm since Katrina in 2005.

Hundreds of people are still missing and nearly a million homes are without electricity almost a week after Hélène's arrival.

The rising death toll comes as President Joe Biden continues his two-day tour of the region on Thursday, visiting Florida and Georgia.

Biden on Thursday received an aerial tour of the damage in Tallahassee, Florida, where the hurricane made landfall as a Category Four storm last week.

Speaking later in Ray City, Georgia, Biden told residents: I see you, I hear you, I grieve with you, and I promise you we support you.

We'll stay until you recover.

The president approved federal disaster aid for survivors in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

Tens of thousands of people are without running water in North Carolina, which saw some of the storm's most severe effects, particularly in the mountainous Asheville region.

I feel like I survived the apocalypse, Nicole Rojas, a resident of Vilas, North Carolina, told the BBC.

An elderly couple, Jerry and Marcia Savage, died in bed when a tree fell on their South Carolina home, their grandson told the Associated Press news agency. He said they were found kissing.

Hundreds of roads remain closed, hampering efforts to deliver aid to hard-hit communities.

Private citizens helped distribute aid in a variety of ways, including using mules and private helicopters.

Mountain Mule Packer Ranch deployed a team of mules to help transport thousands of supplies to remote communities.

The “sure-footed” pack animals are familiar with backcountry trails and can move over broken asphalt in a way that vehicles cannot, says mule packer Michele Toberer.

“They are perfectly prepared for mountain conditions,” she says.

So far, the team of nine mules has delivered hundreds of pounds of insulin, formula, diapers, canned food, cleaning supplies and pet food, she said to BBC News, adding that the biggest challenge they have faced so far comes from deep within. mud left by floods.

North Carolina prisons transferred 800 inmates Wednesday due to lack of electricity and running water, according to the state Department of Corrections. More than 2,000 prisoners were transferred from other prisons earlier this week.

Family members of the prisoners told the Asheville Citizen-Times newspaper that they had not been able to contact their loved ones for more than a week.

In the southeastern United States, more than 933,000 customers remained without power Thursday, according to

More than 6,700 Army and Air National Guard members from 16 states are participating in the response on the ground, according to the National Guard.

The president deployed 1,000 active-duty troops to help with relief efforts.

On Wednesday, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris visited North Carolina and Georgia, respectively.

Biden said the federal government would cover 100% of all costs of emergency protection measures and debris removal in North Carolina for six months. It will do the same for Georgia and Florida over the next 90 days.

Former President Donald Trump visited damaged areas of Georgia earlier in the week.

More precipitation is expected in the coming days in parts of the Gulf Coast and Florida, which could complicate recovery efforts.

The Atlantic hurricane season continues until the end of November.

U.S. Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas warned earlier this week that if another storm hits the United States in the coming months, the Federal Emergency Management Agency would struggle to provide help.

“FEMA doesn't have the funds to get through the season and what's coming up,” Mayorkas told reporters earlier in the week, referring to another hurricane to hit the United States this season.

The Biden administration has shipped more than 8.8 million meals, 7.4 million gallons of water, 150 generators and 225,000 tarps to the region, Mayorkas said.

Two storms are currently brewing in the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Kirk, currently a category three storm, is expected to create dangerous surfing conditions in Florida and the Caribbean islands, but is not expected to make landfall in the United States. Tropical Storm Leslie currently poses no threat to the United States.




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