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I'm traveling to every record store in the UK. Here are my top 10 favorite record stores | UK public holidays

I'm traveling to every record store in the UK. Here are my top 10 favorite record stores | UK public holidays
I'm traveling to every record store in the UK. Here are my top 10 favorite record stores | UK public holidays


I still remember the excitement I felt when I first purchased Duane Eddy's 1962 single Dance With the Guitar Man at age 11, and that bug has stayed with me ever since. There's nothing like the thrill of digging through the shelves and finding that hard-to-find wishlist record. After retirement I made it my mission to visit as many record stores as possible around the world, from Amsterdam to Warsaw, Berlin, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna and even Australia and New Zealand. But lately I've made it a point to visit every record store across the UK and buy something at every stop.

Regularly, existing stores close and new ones open. The number of independent record stores in the UK has reached a ten-year high, according to the Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA). Last year there were 461 cases, and in 2014 there were 339 cases.

I'm still in the process of completing the set, but here are some recent highlights from my disc over.

Derek Music, Swansea

Christy Stylianou, of Swanseas Derricks Music, said the store was the UK's oldest record store remaining in the same family, adding that it was named after her uncle Derrick Evans, who died in the early 1980s. The store caters to lovers of all genres and all ages (including the grandchildren of the original customers). Derricks is a big proponent of purchasing new vinyl. That way, Christy says, the record company will be willing to keep doing everything. Swansea Castle, Plantasia Tropical Zoo and National Waterfront Museum are all within walking distance.

Grooves Records, Orkney

An Australian visitor I recently met in the Orkney Islands had no doubt that a visit to Grooves in mainland Kirkwall was the highlight of the trip. As one of the UK's northernmost independent record stores, this is a treasure trove of variety with a focus on rock and metal, as well as an extensive stock of a variety of genres that is updated regularly. It recently moved to a new location on Bridge Street (its ninth location since opening in 1990) and also sells a variety of merchandise and gaming equipment.

Casbah Records, Greenwich, London

Casbah, between Cutty Sark and Greenwich Park, is one of London's best record stores, stocking a wide range of contemporary and vintage records. Specializing in classic '60s and '70s rock, including a variety of progressive rock and psychedelic music, along with TV and film soundtracks. Boss Tony Davis loves meeting customers and helping them choose new music. The store also has an active Facebook activity promoting new arrivals and events.

Futtle, East Neuk of Fife

Scottish brewery Futtle operates a record shop in a former cattle station/bar shop in a stable. We mainly sell old and rare vinyl records as well as some new ones. Before the brewery we had a record label (Triassic Tusk Records) and used to host club nights in Edinburgh, says co-owner Lucy Hine. We love the feel of a real record store, so when we founded our brewery in 2019, we knew we wanted music to be at the heart of what we do. As well as looking at records, you can also sample organic beer, natural wine and cider. Futtle also makes its own fermented soft drinks from plants and seaweed collected from the hedgerows, fields and coastline around the brewery.

Record Café, Bradford

Established in 2014, Record Café serves the best local and international beers alongside new vinyl, Spanish charcuterie and cheeses and has been voted Bradfords Camra Pub of the Year four times. The mezzanine level is stocked with classic albums as well as new releases, while the downstairs bar offers a wide range of cask and keg ales and a selection of wines, whiskies, gins and traditional ciders. Regular events are held on the last Thursday of each month, including music quizzes, DJ sets and live music.

Record deck, mobile

This floating record store will be popping up as weekends and festivals approach, with their next location listed on their website. Owner Luke Gifford, whom I met in Marlowe, quit his job as a university librarian 10 years ago and started Record Deck by traveling around the UK selling vinyl records on canals and riversides. I get most of my stock from people I meet, he says. People love the idea of ​​their records being redistributed across the country by ship.

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Vinyl and vintage, Wolverhampton

“I love what I do,” says Claire Howell, owner of Vinyl and Vintage. If you own a record store, you need to be collecting or at least involved in music to connect with your customers. Young people love browsing through old as well as new records in our store. Whether it's an 80's Led Zeppelin LP or a No. 1 single, there's something for everyone, whether your budget is small or big. Claire and I bonded over what our ideal record store would look and feel like. I think she got it right and we share the same passion. According to her, for me, going back to the old stores is where you can find cool photo discs, limited editions and original pressings. Old vinyl addicts like me still love the original. Howell recently found a ticket to an Oasis show in an old album for someone looking to exchange tickets for a 2025 show on June 17, 2009!

record album, brighton

Most people head to Brighton for a day at the beach and a stroll along the Lanes, but I head straight here. One of the owners, Keith Blackmore, is a huge fan of Abbas Waterloo. When Abbas Waterloo was featured on The Apprentice, it gave stores unprecedented publicity and contestants were urged to buy a copy as cheaply as possible. Vinyl Album has been serving the vinyl buying public in Brighton and beyond for over 75 years. We sell all kinds of music, from pop to classical, and specialize in soundtracks, movies and theatre. Until his retirement in 2018 at the age of 88, owner George Ginn was Brighton's longest-established record dealer.

Skeleton Records, Birkenhead

Birkenhead's Skeleton Records is said to have been named in 1971 after a lyric from Syd Barrett's song If ts in You, in which Skeleton kisses the steel rails. The store certainly sounds a little too transatlantic, says manager Ben Savage. He stares blankly at the current price of new vinyl. I expect stores carrying new vinyl will struggle in the near future. Fortunately, we still do most of our business with used vinyl and CDs. For Savage, the physical experience of playing vinyl is very immersive. No other format can compare to the joy of flipping through a stack of LPs, enjoying the cover art, hearing the crackle and flipping it halfway through.

Second scene, near Watford

Julian Leigh-Smith is not only a record store owner, but also a talented musician who plays drums with Cranium Pie. They describe themselves as 11th dimension psychedelic prog. It would be appropriate, then, to believe that Second Scene is haunted by something from another dimension. Spooky incidents include hearing loud, prolonged noises, seeing a green glow in the corner of the room, and records inexplicably sliding off a shelf (the previous owner suddenly left, leaving behind a Ouija board). Julians inventory is enormous for such a small premises and is constantly changing with products to suit most tastes and wallets. England cricketers visit regularly. Your browser is regularly served tea or coffee in a Watford FC mug.

On the record: Notes on the Vinyl Revival by Graham Sharpe is published by Oldcastle Books (19.99), as is Vinyl Countdown (24.99). To support the Guardian, order your copy at Shipping fees may apply.

This article was amended on 3 October 2024 to remove a description of Orkney's Grooves Records, England's northernmost independent record store.




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