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Timeline of British history related to the Chagos Islands | chagos islands


Britain has agreed to return the Chagos Islands to Mauritius in a historic deal. Here we detail the history of the archipelago.


The first inhabitants arrive in the Chagos Islands. Enslaved Africans worked on coconut plantations and produced copra, which was made by the French. Later, after liberation, indentured Indians arrive.


After Napoleon abdicates and goes into exile during the Napoleonic Wars, Britain officially takes over the Chagos Islands and nearby Mauritius from France.


The Chagos Islands became part of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) amid independence talks with Mauritius, and Britain reached an agreement with the United States to build a military base on one of the islands, Diego Garcia.


Mauritius gains independence, but Britain retains control over BIOT.

From 1967 to 1973

The entire population of the Chagos Islands is forced to leave their homes, with most migrating to the main island of Mauritius or to the Seychelles, thousands of kilometers away. Human Rights Watch called forced migration a terrible colonial crime and a crime against humanity.


The British government agrees to pay $4 million into a trust fund for Chagossians established under Mauritian legislation.


The British High Court ruled that the deportation of Chagossians was unlawful.


The House of Lords, then Britain's highest court, ruled against the Chagossians' right to return, overturning a series of decisions by judges in lower British courts who had found their asylum illegal.


According to a May 2009 US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks, British Foreign Office officials told the US that the decision to establish a marine protected area (MPA) would compensate for resettlement claims of former residents of the archipelago.


A UN tribunal has ruled that the UK acted unlawfully in the way it created a marine protected area (MPA) in the Chagos Islands by failing to consult with Mauritius and unlawfully depriving the country of its fishing rights.


The British government has announced a $40 million support package to support and compensate Chagossians living in the UK, but it is still refusing to allow them to return to their homeland.


The International Court of Justice, the United Nations' highest court, ruled in an advisory opinion that Britain's continued occupation of the remote Indian Ocean archipelago was unlawful and ordered Britain to return it to Mauritius as soon as possible.

The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly supported a resolution condemning the British occupation of the island. The motion set a six-month deadline for Britain to withdraw and reunify the islands with Mauritius, but Britain did not follow suit.


The United Nations' special International Maritime Court rejected Britain's claim to sovereignty over the Chagos Islands, and the Prime Minister of Mauritius called for an end to the illegal occupation.


Tamil asylum seekers who fled Sri Lanka on a fishing boat are rescued and taken to Diego Garcia. They remain in what they describe as horrific, prison-like conditions. Reports of suicide attempts and self-harm abounded.


The United Kingdom has announced that it has agreed to begin negotiations with Mauritius over the future return of the Chagos Islands.


Britain agrees to hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, ending years of bitter dispute over Britain's last African colony. However, it retains control of the military base in Diego Garcia, which it operates jointly with the United States.




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