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Videos show US Navy destroyers intercepting Iranian ballistic missiles

Videos show US Navy destroyers intercepting Iranian ballistic missiles
Videos show US Navy destroyers intercepting Iranian ballistic missiles


The US Navy released videos on Tuesday showing its destroyers firing interceptors to shoot down Iranian ballistic missiles to defend Israel from the Mediterranean Sea.

According to Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the destroyers USS Bulkeley and USS Cole fired a dozen interceptors against incoming Iranian ballistic missiles to help defend Israel. The US Navy's Sixth Fleet later confirmed that the warships were stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and had engaged “several” Iranian ballistic missiles.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed the attacks were carried out following the assassination of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh as well as the assassination of Hezbollah secretary general , Hassan Nasrallah, and IRGC General Abbas Nilforushan.

People climb on the debris of an Iranian ballistic missile intercepted by Israel, near Arad, southern Israel, on October 2. The Israeli army admitted that some missiles had hit its air bases. People climb on the debris of an Iranian ballistic missile intercepted by Israel, near Arad, southern Israel, on October 2. The Israeli army admitted that some missiles had hit its air bases. Ohad Zwigenberg/AP Photo

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the air defense systems of Israel and the United States worked effectively to engage 180 ballistic missiles fired from Iran. He acknowledged that some missiles had hit Israeli air bases, but that the impacts were ineffective because no Israeli Air Force planes were damaged.

According to Ryder, Iran launched approximately 200 ballistic missiles targeting several sites in Israel. Although the Pentagon continues to evaluate the results of the destroyer interception, the Sixth Fleet has stated that “multiple missiles are believed to have been successfully engaged.”

Both destroyers are Arleigh Burke class, equipped with the Aegis weapons system and interceptors designed for ballistic missile defense, the Sixth Fleet added. This class of warship offers what the Navy calls multi-mission offensive and defensive capabilities.

The Aegis is a centralized, automated command and control and weapons control system designed as a complete weapons system from detection to kill, manufacturer Lockheed Martin said. By integrating sensors and weapons, it provides integrated air and missile defense.

USNI News, run by the United States Naval Institute, reported that, citing a US official, the Bulkeley and Cole used the Standard Missile 3 during the engagement with Iranian missiles.

The interceptor is designed to destroy short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, manufacturer Raytheon said. Instead of using an explosive warhead, he uses pure force to destroy his target, a technique that has been likened to using one bullet to intercept another.

On October 1, the US Navy destroyer USS Bulkeley engages several Iranian ballistic missiles to defend Israel from the Eastern Mediterranean. to defend Israel from the Eastern Mediterranean on October 1. The US Navy said several missiles were believed to have been successfully engaged at that time. More from the US Navy

This was not the first time the Standard Missile 3 was used in combat. During Iranian strikes against Israel in April, the destroyers USS Arleigh Burke and USS Carney launched four to seven interceptors at Iranian ballistic missiles, USNI News reported.

According to the US-based Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, the Standard Missile 3 costs between $9.7 million (Block IB variant) and $27.9 million (Block IIA variant) each.

Block IB has improved steering and propulsion capability, while Block IIA, developed with Japan, is capable of defending wider areas and has a larger and improved kinetic warhead, also known as name “destruction vehicle”, to strike a ballistic missile. threats.




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