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US Dockworkers Union suspends strike after reaching tentative agreement | Labor rights news

US Dockworkers Union suspends strike after reaching tentative agreement | Labor rights news
US Dockworkers Union suspends strike after reaching tentative agreement | Labor rights news


US President Joe Biden welcomes the agreement to end the three-day strike, saying dockworkers deserve a strong contract.

U.S. dockworkers and port operators have reached a tentative agreement that will end a three-day strike that shut down shipping on the U.S. Eastern and Gulf coasts and threatened serious disruption. billions of dollars in losses.

In a joint statement Thursday evening, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the American Maritime Alliance said they had reached a tentative agreement on wages, without providing details of what was agreed.

The two sides also agreed to extend their framework contract until January 15 next year in order to return to the negotiating table to negotiate other outstanding issues, they said.

With immediate effect, all ongoing actions will cease and all work covered by the framework contract will resume, the press release said.

On Tuesday morning, 45,000 port workers went on strike after their union contract expired in a dispute over wages and job automation at ports from Maine to Texas.

The strike came at the height of the holiday season at 36 ports that handle about half of the cargo from ships entering and leaving the United States, raising the risk of a shortage if it lasts more than a few weeks .

At least 45 container ships that were unable to unload were anchored Wednesday outside strike-affected ports on the U.S. Eastern and Gulf coasts, up from just three before the strike began Sunday, according to Everstream Analytics.

Citing an anonymous source familiar with the matter, the Reuters news agency reported that the tentative agreement announced Thursday would see workers get a pay increase of around 62 percent over six years.

The union was demanding a 77 percent increase while the employers' group had previously proposed an increase of almost 50 percent.

U.S. President Joe Biden welcomed Thursday's deal, saying it represented crucial progress toward a strong contract.

I congratulate the ILA dockworkers, who deserve a strong contract after sacrificing so much to keep our ports open during the [COVID-19] pandemic, he said in a statement.

And I applaud the port operators and member carriers of the American Maritime Alliance for working hard and putting a strong offer on the table.




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