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UK parliament considers assisted dying law this month | health news

UK parliament considers assisted dying law this month | health news
UK parliament considers assisted dying law this month | health news


Nine years after the last assisted dying bill was rejected, public opinion has shifted and lawmakers are now voting according to their conscience.

The British Parliament is set to consider a proposal to legalize assisted dying, nine years after rejecting a similar proposal.

Ruling Labor MP Kim Leadbeater said she would table legislation on October 16 to give terminally ill patients choices about end-of-life care and provide more protection for them and their loved ones.

Leadbeater said British law on the issue had not been updated in 60 years.

People with a terminal illness and little time left have limited options, she wrote in The Guardian newspaper. Now Congress must be able to consider changes to the law that will provide reassurance, reassurance and, most importantly, dignity and choice for people in the final months of life.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer previously promised a free vote on the legislation.

This means ministers can vote as they wish or not, said Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, the prime minister's top adviser. The government will therefore remain neutral on the issue of passing legislation and assisted dying.

Assisted dying is currently illegal in England and, if successful, the bill would also affect England and Wales. In Scotland, which has a separate legal system, a bill on this issue was proposed earlier this year.

Some 31 countries and territories allow some form of assisted dying, according to Humanists UK, an organization representing non-religious people.

Today marks the first historic step on a journey that will lead to one of the most important and compassionate reforms in our history, finally giving thousands of suffering people the choice and dignity they want and deserve, said Humanist leader Andrew Copson. said. name.

Lawmakers will face important questions about eligibility, procedures, and safeguards, and it will be the duty of society as a whole to help them resolve them.

Euthanasia is currently illegal in the UK, and anyone from England, Wales or Northern Ireland who travels with someone to the Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland or stays with someone to comfort them at home when they are dying could be prosecuted for up to 100 years. Until age 14.

Details of the bill have not yet been made public, but the BBC reported that it is expected to allow terminally ill adults under six months of age to take their own lives with medical assistance.

increased public support

The assisted dying bill was last debated and defeated in the House of Commons in 2015.

But since then, research has shown an increase in support for terminally ill people to help them end their lives.

Popular TV presenter Esther Rantzen, who is suffering from terminal lung cancer, has reinvigorated the debate after revealing she had joined Dignitas. The clinic helps people who are terminally ill or living with unbearable pain or disability to end their lives.

The Isle of Man and Jersey, both self-governing territories of the British Crown that are not part of the United Kingdom, are also moving to pass their own laws giving terminally ill patients the right to die.

In 2002, Belgium and the Netherlands became the first EU countries to allow euthanasia.

In 2021, Spain approved euthanasia and medically assisted suicide for patients with serious and incurable diseases, and Portugal followed suit two years later.

Canada has expanded its regulations on euthanasia and is one of the most lenient countries in the world on the issue.




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