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Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iranian oil facilities

Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iranian oil facilities
Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iranian oil facilities


Joe Biden said the United States was discussing with Israel the possibility of Israeli strikes on Iranian oil infrastructure.

Asked whether he would support such strikes, Mr. Biden said: “We're discussing it. I think it would be a little… anyway.”

His off-the-cuff remarks, made as he left the White House, did not clearly explain Washington's position. Mr Biden has previously said he would not support Israeli strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The price of benchmark Brent crude oil rose 5% immediately after the remarks. It has now increased by 10% since Iran's large-scale missile attack on Israel on Tuesday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran “will pay a heavy price for Tuesday's attack, which saw at least 180 ballistic missiles fired at Israel.”

Satellite images published by the Associated Press news agency show damage to the Nevatim air base, one of the targets of the attack.

Iran said the blockade was a response to the killings of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan.

Mr. Biden told reporters he did not expect Israel to launch its retaliation on Thursday.

When asked as he left the White House what U.S. plans were to allow Israel to strike Iran, he replied: “First of all, we don't allow Israel , we are advising Israel and there is nothing that is going to happen today.”

A U.S. official told the Reuters news agency that the United States believed Israel was still determining what exactly it would do.

Mr. Biden said earlier that the United States did not support strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, as touted by some in Israel, including former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Bennett said striking Iran's nuclear facilities could “help change the face of the Middle East” and fatally cripple the terrorist regime.

Reports in Israeli media citing local officials suggest that Israel plans to strike Iranian oil facilities first. If Iran retaliates, Israel will target its nuclear facilities.

Speaking on Wednesday, Iran's chief of staff, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, told state television that in the event of a retaliation, Iran would hit infrastructure across Israel.

The barrage “will be repeated with greater intensity and all the regime’s infrastructure will be targeted,” Bagheri said.

Mr. Biden said Wednesday that he had consulted with leaders of other G7 countries, who agreed that Israel “has the right to respond, but they should respond proportionately.”

Fears of new violence between Israel and Iran, the world's seventh largest oil producer, have put markets on alert.

Of particular concern is whether an escalation could block the Strait of Hormuz, through which a third of tanker traffic and a fifth of frozen LNG gas must pass.




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