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UK pledges $10 million in additional aid to Lebanon

UK pledges  million in additional aid to Lebanon
UK pledges  million in additional aid to Lebanon


The Foreign Secretary continues to work with ministers to reduce tensions in the Middle East, as the UK Government charters more flights to help British nationals leave Lebanon.

The UK is stepping up its humanitarian aid to Lebanon by adding 10 million people to respond to the massive refugee surge and rising civilian casualties.

The funding comes as Britain urges all British nationals to leave the country as soon as possible and for an immediate ceasefire between Lebanon's Hizballah and Israel. A ceasefire would provide the space needed to find a political solution under Resolution 1701 and allow civilians on both sides to return home.

This support package responds to serious concerns about widespread lack of shelter and reduced access to clean water, sanitation and healthcare. It will be delivered through trusted humanitarian organizations that have been delivering aid in Lebanon for a long time.

This announcement follows five million humanitarian packages delivered through UNICEF to support access to clean water, sanitation, health and nutrition.

The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), of which the UK is the largest donor, also allocated $7.6 million this week to respond to urgent conflict-related needs and refugees in Lebanon.

Anneliese Dodds, Minister for Development and Minister for Women and Equalities, said:

The human cost of the conflict in Lebanon is clear to all. This additional funding from the UK will help address the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation and provide relief to people displaced by ongoing violence.

This life-saving product is essential, but it is not a long-term solution. The only way to truly resolve the growing humanitarian crisis is an immediate cease-fire that is adhered to by both sides.

We continue to urge British nationals living in Lebanon to leave immediately.

Yesterday (3 October) the government announced that more flights would be chartered to help British nationals leave Lebanon. More than 150 British nationals and their families left Beirut on a government-chartered flight on Wednesday (2 October).

British nationals, their spouses or partners and children under 18 are eligible. All passengers must have valid travel documents. Dependents who are not UK nationals will need a valid visa approved for a stay in the UK of more than 6 months.

The UK continues to work with partners to increase commercial flight capacity for British nationals. About 700 troops, including Border Guard officers, and Foreign and Interior Ministry staff have been deployed to Cyprus for emergency planning.

Defense Secretary John Healey visited Cyprus yesterday to meet deployed soldiers and express his gratitude.

Background Today's funding announcement comes from the existing Official Development Support Budget and is already reflected in the UK. We are committed to providing timely and flexible support to the most vulnerable people in Lebanon, including refugees and the Lebanese community, to address their basic needs and reduce suffering in the UK. Bilateral humanitarian assistance to Lebanon this fiscal year through the Lebanon Humanitarian Program, which includes 10 million people, is focused on: Helping the most vulnerable refugees and Lebanese communities meet their basic needs Providing essential education and child protection services to more than 5,000 of the most vulnerable and marginalized Developing a more inclusive, sustainable and accountable social protection system through humanitarian programs in Lebanon Supporting the Lebanese Government to address out-of-school children, the UK is one of the largest donors to UN OCHA's Lebanon Humanitarian Fund, which has allocated $14.7 million to various sectors. In addition to the $10 million announced this week, a $9 million CERF allocation was announced earlier this year to the non-governmental organization for displacement preparedness and response, to support UN partner responses to the growing needs in southern Lebanon. $2.2 million Education Cannot Wait (ECW) ) fund has been released to support 5,000 children affected by the crisis. The United Kingdom is the second largest donor to ECW.




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