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UK weather: Hurricane Kirk's aftermath could bring snow, strong winds and heavy rain to UK coasts | uk news

UK weather: Hurricane Kirk's aftermath could bring snow, strong winds and heavy rain to UK coasts | uk news
UK weather: Hurricane Kirk's aftermath could bring snow, strong winds and heavy rain to UK coasts | uk news


Snow could hit parts of the UK as remnants of Hurricane Kirk hit the UK coast, bringing strong winds and heavy rain.

Hurricane Kirk has strengthened to a Category 4 storm in the Atlantic, and although it is not heading directly towards the UK, it will bring unsettled weather and falling temperatures to parts of the country over the next week.

Image: Hurricane Kirk is not heading directly towards the UK, but it will unleash a cold spell of unsettled weather. Photo: Bentuski

“The forecast period is likely to be largely unsettled, with frequent winds and rain associated with low pressure areas,” the Met Office said in its latest long-term forecast for October 8-17.

“Frequent showers initially, especially in the south, will change to more widespread rain and strong winds associated with the remnants of Hurricane Kirk later in the week.

“Scotland and Northern Ireland are more likely to get cold quickly with showers, while colder weather (possibly some sleet/snow in the Scottish mountains) is likely to gradually move south following former Kirk's leadership.

“A more stable interlude is possible, but further winds and rain, again focused on southern regions, are likely to arrive from the west towards the end of the period.”

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The Met Office outlook for the weekend is a mix of sunshine and showers for many.

Saturday is expected to be mostly sunny and dry. Clouds and patchy rain are forecast for Northern Ireland and western Scotland, and are expected to intensify as they reach western England and Wales in the evening.

Rain will fall on Sunday and then spread eastward during the day, with wet weather continuing.

Hurricane Kirk has been posing a “threat to bring damaging rain and winds” to some people since mid-week, but will lose its status as a hurricane by the time it reaches northwestern Europe, according to the Met Office.

Image: Photo: Korea Meteorological Administration

Chris Bulmer, deputy director of the Met Office, said: “There remains a chance that a low-pressure system could bring damaging rain and winds to parts of the UK, including parts of the UK, from the middle of next week.”

“There are still many details to be worked out about the exact path and timing of the system. Across the UK, parts of England and Wales appear to be most at risk of heavy rain and strong winds on Wednesday and Thursday.

“However, a more southerly trajectory of this system, which seems equally plausible at this stage, would result in the most destructive conditions affecting France. The need for warning will continue to be reviewed over the coming days, so it is important to keep up to date “With the latest forecast.”

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0:26 Level of flooding in Northampton

Heavy rain, strong winds and flooding have caused widespread travel disruption and inundated hundreds of properties and farmland in recent weeks.

Large parts of England and Wales were hit by heavy rain earlier this week, with Met Office figures showing 10 counties in England experienced the wettest September on record.

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0:38 Debris swirls in strong winds above Luton

Southern England recorded its wettest September since 1918 and the third wettest on record since 1836.

England recorded rainfall 95% above average, while Wales recorded 37% more rainfall. Scotland was 37% below average and Northern Ireland was 18% below average.




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