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This video game controller has become the weapon of choice for the US military

This video game controller has become the weapon of choice for the US military
This video game controller has become the weapon of choice for the US military


In a future conflict, American troops will operate the latest war machines, not with sprawling control panels or sci-fi-inspired touchscreens, but with controls familiar to anyone who grew up with an Xbox or a PlayStation at home.

Over the past several years, the U.S. Department of Defense has gradually integrated what appear to be variants of the Freedom of Movement Control Unit (FMCU) handsets as primary control units for a variety of weapon systems. advanced, according to publicly available images released by the department's Defense Visual Information Distribution System Multimedia Center.

These systems include the Navy's new Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS) launcher, a joint light tactical vehicle-based anti-ship missile system designed to fire the new naval strike missile critical to Marine Corps plans for a theoretical future war with China in the Indo-Pacific; the Army's new short-range air defense system (M-SHORAD) which, bristling with FIM-92 Stinger and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and a 30mm chain gun mounted on a combat vehicle of Stryker infantry, is considered a critical anti-aircraft capability in the event of a potential clash with Russia in Eastern Europe; the Air Force's MRAP-based Ordnance Denied Air Base Recovery (RADBO) truck, which uses a laser to clear improvised explosive devices and other unexploded ordnance; and the Humvee-mounted High Energy Laser-Expeditionary (HELEX) laser weapon system currently under testing by the Marine Corps.

The FMCU has also been used on a variety of unmanned vehicles and, under a 2023 Navy contract, the system will be an integral part of the operation of the AN/SAY-3A (or I-Stalker) electro-optical sensor system. designed to help future Constellation-class guided-missile frigates track and confront incoming threats.

Produced since 2008 by Measurement Systems Inc. (MSI), a subsidiary of British defense contractor Ultra specializing in human-machine interfaces, the FMCU offers a form factor similar to the standard Xbox or PlayStation controller, but with a rugged design intended to protect its sensitive electronic components against any hostile environment in which the American military may find itself. A long-time developer of joysticks used on various U.S. naval systems and aircraft, MSI has served as a subcontractor to major defense companies such as General Atomics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems. to provide the portable control units for various aircraft and vehicle programs, according to information compiled by federal contracting software GovTribe.

With the foresight to recognize the form factor that would be most accessible to today's warfighters, [Ultra] has continued to make the FMCU one of the most configurable and powerful controllers available today, according to Ultra. (The company did not respond to multiple requests for comment from WIRED.)

The infinitely customizable FMCU is not a completely new technology: According to Ultra, the system has been used since at least 2010 to operate the Navy's MQ-8 Fire Scout autonomous unmanned helicopter, today shot down, and the Ground Operational Surveillance System (GBOSS) that the Army and Marine Corps have both employed throughout the Global War on Terrorism. But the recent proliferation of handsets on sophisticated new weapons platforms reflects a growing trend within the U.S. military toward controls that are not just tactile or ergonomic in their operation, but that are inherently familiar to the next generation of potential fighters before they even sign up. serve.




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