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The Northern Lights are expected to return to British skies this weekend | northern lights

The Northern Lights are expected to return to British skies this weekend | northern lights
The Northern Lights are expected to return to British skies this weekend | northern lights


The Northern Lights could put on a show across the UK this weekend, with recent solar flares creating the potential for breathtaking displays.

The Aurora Borealis is most likely to be seen in Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England. However, due to the Sun's intense activity, as in May of this year, the light may be visible further south.

The Met Office said: “Saturday night is the most likely day for sightings of the Aurora across central England further south.”

Those hoping to catch a glimpse of green and purple shadows dancing across the sky are most likely to do so late at night, usually after 11 p.m.

“To maximize your chances of seeing the aurora, the sky needs to be as clear as possible,” said Silvia Dalla, professor of solar physics at the University of Central Lancashire. Look north and find a place with dark skies. Ideally, away from cities where light pollution can impede visibility.

Thursday's massive solar flare is behind an expected increase in space weather activity. The light is produced by solar storms reacting with gases in Earth's atmosphere.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which constantly observes the sun, captured a massive flare caused by a powerful burst of energy on Thursday.

Flares and solar explosions can affect radio communications, power grids and navigation signals and pose a risk to spacecraft and astronauts.

This flare was classified as an X9.0 flare. According to NASA, Class X indicates the most intense flares, and the number provides more information about their intensity.

Dalla said: Solar flares and fast coronal mass ejections are large-scale releases of plasma and magnetic fields. This powerful geomagnetic activity creates the breathtaking sights of the Northern Lights. If the solar conditions we saw in mid-May are repeated, we are likely to see more fascinating auroral activity across UK skies.

Dr Steph Yardley, a space scientist at Northumbria University, said the region of the sun that produces flares was particularly active.

This region of the sun has been quite active over the past few days and is an area to watch, as it previously produced another powerful flare associated with a solar explosion on October 1, she said.

Both eruptions, associated with powerful flares, are directed toward Earth and are expected to impact us between October 4 and 6. This means that the Northern Lights can be seen from Scotland and northern England during this period.




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