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A British charter flight is scheduled to leave Lebanon on Sunday as the conflict intensifies.

A British charter flight is scheduled to leave Lebanon on Sunday as the conflict intensifies.
A British charter flight is scheduled to leave Lebanon on Sunday as the conflict intensifies.


Britain has organized a charter flight to leave Beirutton on Sunday (October 6) as tensions rise in the region.

There are no longer regular flights due to reduced demand. However, the situation will be kept under constant review.

British nationals wishing to leave Lebanon are urged to register with the government immediately.

The government has been recommending British citizens leave Lebanon since October last year as the security situation has worsened. So far, three government-organized charter flights have departed Beirut, with the fourth scheduled to depart on Sunday.

The government has added extra capacity due to high demand for seats on commercial aircraft and allowed more than 250 extra people to depart last week.

The government has committed to providing charter flights as long as there is demand and the security situation allows. But now demand has dropped significantly and this Sunday's flight is the only one currently scheduled.

UK nationals who have not yet booked a seat but still want to secure a seat on the flight are advised to register immediately.

British nationals, their spouses or partners and children under 18 are eligible. All passengers must have valid travel documents.

Dependents who are not UK nationals will need a valid visa approved for a stay in the UK of more than 6 months.

UK government officials are working around the clock in London, Beirut and the wider region to provide support to the British people. An FCDO rapid deployment team has also arrived in Lebanon to augment the support provided by British Embassy officials.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:

As the situation in Lebanon remains unstable, we are pleased that we have helped many people who have heeded our advice and told us to leave the country immediately.

As demand declines and the security situation worsens, there is no guarantee that other options will be available to leave quickly. If you would like to leave, please register now.

Sunday's flights will depart from Beirut-Rafic Hariri International Airport and UK nationals who have registered with the government will be sent details on how to request a seat.

British nationals and their dependents cannot travel to the airport unless they have reserved a seat on the plane.

FCDO urges everyone to continue to follow relevant travel advice, exercise caution and monitor developments in the Lebanese media.

The safety of British citizens is our top priority and around 700 troops, including Border Force officers, and Foreign and Home Office staff have been deployed to Cyprus for emergency planning.

Britain continues to call for a ceasefire between Lebanon's Hizballah and Israel. A ceasefire would provide the space needed to find a political solution that would allow civilians on both sides to return home safely.

Notes to editors:

UK nationals and their dependents can request a seat on the flight. If your non-British dependents wish to enter the UK, they will need a visa allowing them to stay in the UK for at least six months, subject to the normal immigration rules and entry procedures.

FCDO launched its Register Your Presence service on Wednesday 25 September 2024.

A limited number of commercial flights are still operating and the FCDO has been working with partners to increase capacity to allow British nationals to depart.

FCDO has been advising British nationals to leave Lebanon since October 2023.




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