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Beautiful places in autumn: our readers' favorite walks in the English woods | working holiday


Rare rainforest in the Lake District

Autumn is often rainy, so embrace this and visit one of England's temperate rainforests at Borrowdale near Keswick. Such forests are rare not only in the UK but also around the world. Not only can you observe colorful fall foliage on the leaves of ash, birch and oak trees, but you can also find all kinds of mosses, liverworts and lichens. The latter spreads due to clean air and humid climate. There are plenty of forest paths to follow, and don't forget to visit Ashness Bridge for glorious views of the Derwent Water and the waterfalls beyond. graham lily

The bike trails in BerkshireSwinley Forest are great for mountain biking. Photo: Jules/Stockimo/Alamy

Swinley Forest, part of the Windsor estate, makes for a great day out no matter the season. Just south of Bracknell in Berkshire, the 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) of woodland offers wonderful walks and views. Our favorite activity is renting a mountain bike from Swinley Bike Hub and riding along the wide mountain bike trails. A good mix of green, blue and red routes makes this a fun activity to suit all levels of ability. An additional membership gives you access to Summit, Swinley's purpose-built mountain bike skills and training facility.Joshua

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A wide road in the forested hills of Cornwall. Photo: David Chapman/Alamy

One of my favorite forest walks is at Llanheedlock, Cornwall, along the River Fowey from L'Esprin Bridge. The colors of the sparkling river and swaying leaves combine to create a wonderful sense of tranquility. Walk a quarter of a mile downstream to the footbridge and then along the woodland path opposite to Lanhydrock House. From there you can follow a tree-lined drive for about a mile back to Respryn, with views of the forested hills of central Cornwall.Charlotte

The ponies of the New Forest and the wild ponies of the Pintnew Forest. Photo: Paul Maguire/Getty Images

The sun low over mossy dells, playing pooh sticks in mud-colored streams, and some of the oldest trees you'll ever see are just a few reasons why the New Forest is made for an autumn trip. Have a pint of local ale in a forest pub (the Oak in the village of Bank, just outside Lyndhurst is a favourite), then leave for a Sunday lunch at the Pig, perhaps a pony-watching spot on the way back to Brockenhurst. It will. I wonder why there are still people who have yet to visit Britain's smallest national park. First of all, it only takes 90 minutes to get back to London by train.Polly

Alan Banks, Northumberland. Photo: David Taylor/Alamy

The forests of the Allen Valley, which meanders along shady slopes on the banks of Northumberland's eponymous river, are my go-to in autumn. Tree tops and branches are hidden in a secret world where rivers have carved steep canyons. Beech and oak forests run along the steep valley like a waterfall. October is the best time to visit, as red, green and gold lights form a colorful canopy and it is quiet except for the chirping of birds. Last year, the haunting howl of the deer was a beautiful memory that lasted all winter.Jazz

Deep in the forest, Victoriana, Calverley Forest near Leeds, West Yorkshire, is managed by the Woodland Trust. Photo: Ros Crosland/Alamy

West Wood in Calverley, West Yorkshire, is full of curiosities as it is the former site of Champion House, a grand Victorian house now used as a care home. You'll find two islands, a well house, the remains of a gardener's cottage and a former swimming pond with a folly arch. Several gentlemen's houses were planned for the site in the 1850s, but Champion House was the only one built. A mini-gorge at Calverley Cutting was constructed to provide access to the proposed property. Neighboring Calverley Wood contains ruined buildings that were once a military training camp, prisoner-of-war camp and fireworks factory. Paul Kirkwood

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Get to Know Your Local Forest Visiting your local forest in all seasons is a gift that keeps on giving. Photo: Clearview/Alamy

There is no forest like your own, no matter how small. Visit regularly and over time you will become familiar, known and loved. The tree will reveal itself as an individual in its youth, in its prime, and when it dies of old age. In time, annual habitats of hanging briony vines, crimson fairy hats, early purple orchids or badgers will be revealed. Picking up trash for the forest is incredibly satisfying. Getting to know the forest in all weathers and all seasons, and tying your life to it as the years go by, is a gift that keeps on giving.Jennifer Rich

North YorkshireStrid Wood dancing in gold, tan and red. Photo: Robert Garrigus/Alamy

Strid Wood, near Bolton Abbey, is a very picturesque place to enjoy autumn foliage. On either side of the river docks, ancient oak trees dance in shades of gold, tan and red, and fungi, moss and lichen are also photogenic. Depending on the time of day, you may see birds, squirrels, bats, and if you're lucky, you might spot short-eared owls, roe deer, and otters. I love the long circular walk between Bolton Abbey and Barden Bridge, passing the rough waters of the Strid. But if you're short on time, you can stop at the Cavendish Pavilion along the way for a shorter stretch.Susanna C

Acer Forest and Skywalk, GloucestershireAcer Japanese Acer at Westonbirt. Photo: John Arnold/Alamy

The National Arboretum's Weston Butte enjoys a spectacular golden light show every fall. The website specifically tells you when the best days are for Japanese acers. And we discover other seasonal delights of this beautiful forest. Shiny bronze horse chestnuts and prickly sweet chestnuts are available for snacks. We smell the Indian cedar and prick the soft bark of the giant cedar. The skywalk takes us to the treetops. The store sells forest jam fruits and our favorite forest honey. The perfect end to the morning is a beer and game pie at nearby Hare and Hounds.David Innes-Wilkin

Winning Tip: Autumn colors at Highlands Loch Ard, a perfect spot for reflection. Photo: Richard Newton/Alamy

An hour's drive from Glasgow, the road along Dumgoyne Hill takes you to Loch Ard Forest, with glimpses of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park in the distance. A walk or bike ride along the quiet paths takes in all the twists and turns, including sculptures peeking out from behind twisting Scots pines, the glassy surfaces of idyllic Loch Ard and the 729-metre (2,390-foot) Ben Venue looming in the distance. Surprises await you around the twisties. Maybe it's a cheeky red squirrel stocking up for the winter. On your way home, stop by Aberfoyle for a refreshment at the Station Coffee Shop.Louis




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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