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Ugandan army threatens US ambassador with expulsion

Ugandan army threatens US ambassador with expulsion
Ugandan army threatens US ambassador with expulsion


Kampala, Uganda

The head of Uganda's defense forces, General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has given US Ambassador William Popp until Monday morning to apologize or leave the country.

It is unclear why Kainerugaba, who is the son of President Yoweri Museveni, issued the ultimatum to the ambassador, although this week the United States sanctioned four Ugandan police officers for human rights violations.

On Friday, Kainerugaba spoke to .

Five hours later, Kainerugaba tweeted again, saying that if Popp did not personally apologize to the president by 9 a.m. Monday for what the general called Popp's undiplomatic behavior, the government would demand he step down.

Speaking to VOA, Sewanyana Livingstone, director of the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative Uganda, said Kainerugaba did not have the authority to declare Popp persona non grata unless he was appointed foreign minister.

Sewanyana said Kainerugabas' comments should be rejected.

He needs to calm down. He must understand that Uganda is not him, nor is he Uganda, Sewanyana said. Uganda will always be there. Sanctions are not the duties of an ambassador. They are issued by the Department of State. So I think he's even targeting the wrong person. I think Ugandans need to call him to order. It's high time.

On Wednesday, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said four Ugandan police officers had been sanctioned for gross human rights violations. These included torture and cruel and inhumane treatment and punishment.

The police officers were identified as Bob Kagarura, Alex Mwine, Elly Womanya and Hamdani Twesigye.

The State Department said reports of violations documented by Ugandan civil court documents, civil society organizations and independent journalists were serious and credible.

Ugandan authorities did not respond to requests for comment.

A report released last month by the African Center for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture, or ACTV, noted that cases of torture in Uganda were on the rise despite laws prohibiting the practice.

Herbert Sam Nsubuga, executive director of ACTV, said the organization was concerned about the situation in Uganda.

The situation is not as good as we would like, Nsubuga said. Because halfway through this year, we have completed 903 files. So, it's still really a problem.

In 2023, observers in Uganda recorded 1,235 cases of torture, with the main perpetrators being the Uganda People's Defense Forces and the police.

In April 2020, the four designated agents raided the home of a Ugandan lawmaker, accusing him of violating regulations put in place to control the spread of COVID-19 while distributing food to vulnerable communities.

According to documents produced in court, lawmaker Francis Zaake was arrested and detained at the Defense Intelligence and Security Headquarters, where he was tortured before being hospitalized.

He then sued the four officers and a court awarded him $20,400.

In response to VOA's questions about Kainerugaba's threats, the U.S. Embassy in Uganda quoted State Department spokesperson Miller as saying that the embassy, ​​the ambassador and the U.S. government continued to work directly and normally every day with the Ugandan authorities on a range of issues.

Miller said that, consistent with U.S. law, the United States is committed to supporting justice for victims and accountability for those involved in human rights abuses around the world.

This, he added, includes denying or restricting travel visas to visit the United States for individuals when there is evidence showing they have committed abuse.




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