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Urge to address misogyny problem due to increase in far-right activity clubs in the UK | far right

Urge to address misogyny problem due to increase in far-right activity clubs in the UK | far right
Urge to address misogyny problem due to increase in far-right activity clubs in the UK | far right


Concerns about the growth of self-styled fitness clubs organized by far-right groups have prompted calls for action to tackle misogynistic messages targeting young men and boys.

Activists want the UK government to recognize the dangers presented by so-called active clubs as loose movements imported from the US and to use moments such as the school curriculum review to challenge their ideology.

While they are often careful to avoid direct calls for violence, the decentralized group has links to the international far right and has placed particular emphasis on developing the stamina of its members to fight.

Thousands of subscribers across the UK have accounts on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app.

White nationalism, fascist imagery, homophobic and misogynistic language abound, while many of the same fitness group's Telegram channels are posting attempts to create tension following the deaths of three young girls in Southport.

Various club groups active in the UK have more than 6,000 Telegram subscribers, while the latest version of the UK-only group has almost 1,600 subscribers, a BBC investigation reported this week.

Evidence seen by the Guardian suggests members of the same club in the US have traveled to the UK in recent months.

Relative growth of groups Researchers consider the actual number of participants to be only a fraction of the thousands of subscribers, as more overtly political British far-right groups such as Patriotic Alternative have struggled.

The group, which goes by the name Active Club Scotland (ACS), is considered one of the first groups to emerge in the UK, influenced by American clubs that grew out of the far-right street Rise Above Movement at Hope Not Hate. A fighting group in California.

Patrik Hermansson, senior researcher at Hope Not Hate, who looked into this trend in detail, said: The UK was late to adopt this trend. It really started here last summer, taking inspiration from European and American countries. Ultimately, they reaffirm masculinity, identify their members as strong, capable men, and push out the message that society is weak and decadent and that the reason is progressive ideals and feminism.

Like their European and American counterparts, the group mixes ideological posts with images and reports of members engaging in martial arts activities, often outdoors in the countryside, and sometimes in private and public gyms.

The images and posts seen by the Guardian range from groups promoting activities such as dropping far-right propaganda banners from motorway bridges to posts showing members of the movement with their faces blurred.

One group in southern England showed recruits dressed in black doing press-ups at Jesus Green in Cambridge. Another post from Active Club England featured images purporting to show followers of an American white supremacist group calling themselves the Sons of Colombia visiting London last month. Anti-fascist researchers know that another American far-right activist club has visited the UK at least once more this year.

Hermansson added: The club is about building capacity for violence and imagining a future where violence is somehow necessary to save the country. It's very masculine, so you rarely see women in their posts, and there's a very separatist aspect to it that attracts and radicalizes people.

Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrat MP and party equalities spokesperson, described the rise in these groups as deeply disturbing and called for school curriculum to be updated to protect young people from those who use their popular platforms to prey on vulnerable young people and boys. I said I had to do it. .

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson announced a review of the primary and secondary school curriculum in August and said that under the planned changes, children would learn how to identify extremist content and misinformation online.

Brendan Cox, who was married to murdered West Yorkshire MP Jo Cox and campaigned for counter-terrorism and community cohesion, said Active Club should be seen in the context of research that found men were twice as likely to justify than women. Violence outside refugee accommodation this summer.

Another point, he said, is that misogyny is a common thread connecting various forms of extremism. There are clear opportunities for curriculum review. We need to not just talk about misogyny, we need to talk about positive male role models.

The call for a greater focus on education was echoed by Amy OConnor, head of policy and advocacy at Movember, which campaigns for men's health and devotes resources to research into misogyny.

She said: What we are learning more and more is that men are unsupported in relationships and male identity. In many cases they go online looking for answers, and in some cases the gaps are filled by extreme views, influencers and groups.




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