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Russia threatens the United States with a nuclear threat

Russia threatens the United States with a nuclear threat
Russia threatens the United States with a nuclear threat


Russia “will not hesitate” to resume nuclear weapons testing if similar steps are taken by the United States, according to Sergei Ryabkov, the country's deputy foreign minister.

According to Russian news agency TASS, Ryabkov made the comments during an interview with the state-backed RT television channel, although there is no indication that the United States is considering further weapons tests. nuclear.

The remarks come amid renewed nuclear threats from senior Russian officials, as the Kremlin seeks to discourage Western military support for Ukraine. Speaking before the Russian Security Council on September 25, President Vladimir Putin suggested that Moscow could respond with nuclear weapons to what he described as a “joint attack” by a non-nuclear country. nuclear weapon supported by a nuclear-capable ally.

Speaking to RT, Ryabkov said that if Washington conducts further nuclear weapons tests, “we will not hesitate” to respond in kind. Ryabkov was repeating a warning he made to Russian news agencies in September when he said Moscow would not launch new nuclear tests unless the United States took the first step.

In his September remarks, Ryabkov insisted that “nothing has changed” in Russian nuclear doctrine, adding: “As defined and formulated by the President of the Russian Federation, we can carry out such tests , but we will not achieve them if the United States refrains from doing so. such steps.”

The United States has not conducted a nuclear weapons test since 1992 and there is no indication that it plans to do so. Washington and Moscow have signed, but not ratified, the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibits any detonation of nuclear weapons for testing purposes.

Newsweek contacted the Defense Ministry's press service and the Russian Foreign Ministry for comment via email outside of normal business hours on Saturday.

Photo showing a Russian police officer near the Kremlin on June 24, 2023, in Moscow. A senior Russian official warned that the country would not hesitate to resume nuclear weapons testing if the United States… Photo showing a Russian police officer near the Kremlin, June 24, 2023, in Moscow. A senior Russian official has warned that the country would not hesitate to resume nuclear weapons testing if the United States did so. More

Speaking to Newsweek, Mark Galeotti, a senior research associate at the Royal United Services Institute, said: “This notion that a non-nuclear state supported and supported by a nuclear state could trigger a nuclear response is a pretty transparent way of saying ” If Ukraine launches some sort of major offensive in these circumstances, we reserve the right to be able to resort to nuclear weapons in response.”

Speaking before the UN Security Council on September 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Washington and London had “already prepared Europe to embark on a suicide adventure”, emphasizing what he called out “the uselessness and danger of the very idea of ​​fighting for victory with a nuclear power like Russia.” »

In July, the United States announced plans to deploy long-range missiles in Germany starting in 2026, including SM-6s, Tomahawks and developmental hypersonic weapons “that have a significantly longer range than missile launches.” current terrestrial sites in Europe.

Russian forces have continued to make slow and costly advances in Ukraine's eastern Donbass region and now control 98.8 percent of Luhansk province as of October 3, according to Angelica Evans, a Russia researcher at the American Institute for Foreign Affairs. study of war. think tank.




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