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Historic increase in anti-Jewish threats in the United States, says ADL

Historic increase in anti-Jewish threats in the United States, says ADL
Historic increase in anti-Jewish threats in the United States, says ADL



Threats against Jews in the United States have tripled in the year since the deadly October 7 terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, according to preliminary data provided to CNN by the Anti-Defamation League.

More than 10,000 anti-Semitic incidents occurred between October 7, 2023 and September 2024, compared to 3,325 incidents the previous year. This is the highest number of incidents recorded in a 12-month period by the organization since it began tracking threats in 1979.

Since the terrorist attack last October, American Jews have not had a single moment of respite, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. Instead, we faced a shocking number of anti-Semitic threats and heard calls for more violence against Israelis and Jews around the world.

The new preliminary figures released ahead of an upcoming full report from the organization come as police departments across the country have stepped up patrols around Jewish and Muslim institutions as a precaution in response to the escalating conflict in the Middle East. Orient, on the anniversary of Monday October 7 and at the Jewish Assembly. Vacation.

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, reports of hate crimes and bias incidents targeting Jews, Muslims and Arabs have increased in the United States.

In April, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said it had received 8,061 reports of anti-Muslim bias in 2023, the highest number in the 28 years the group has tracked hate.

If you see something, say something, Greenblatt said Sunday in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash. We need people to report incidents. We need people to speak up. We should not be afraid in our own country.

On Friday, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a joint public advisory stating that the October 7 anniversary and continued unrest in the Middle East could serve as motivation for violence by extremists.

The ADL's threat figures included more than 150 incidents of physical assault, more than 1,840 acts of vandalism, and more than 8,000 anti-Semitic incidents involving verbal or written harassment.

The organization noted that at least 1,200 anti-Semitic incidents occurred on U.S. college campuses over the past year, representing a 500% increase over previous years' data in the same category.

American colleges and universities became a flashpoint earlier this year after thousands of protesters took to campuses from coast to coast to show support for Palestinians facing bombing from Israel's military response to the terrorist attack of October 7.

Gaza's health ministry says more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Israel launched its war against Hamas. Israel, for its part, claims to have killed more than 17,000 fighters in Gaza since the start of the war. CNN cannot independently confirm these figures, in part because of the limited access granted to international journalists in the conflict zone.

Although the U.S. university protests have been mostly peaceful, several have been marked by violence, including clashes with law enforcement officials attempting to clear the makeshift camps, with numerous reports of anti-Semitic intimidation at against Jewish students and professors and cases of attacks by counter-protesters.

Preliminary ADL data also found that more than 3,000 of all incidents took place during anti-Israel rallies, which regularly featured explicit expressions of support for terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the organization said in a statement.

According to the FBI, which enforces federal hate crime laws and collects statistics on acts of violence, threats against Jews in the United States far exceed any other category of religion-based crimes.

The Jewish community is the sole target of almost every terrorist organization, regardless of its spectrum, FBI Director Christopher Wray said in testimony before Congress shortly after the October 7 attack.

And when you look at a group that makes up about 2.4 percent of the U.S. population, Wray said, it should shock everyone that that same population accounts for about 60 percent of all religion-based hate crimes.




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