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Ugandan military chief threatens to expel US ambassador


Uganda's army chief is threatening to expel the top US diplomat assigned to the central African country after a diplomatic row.

General Muhoozi Kainerugaba has issued an ultimatum to US Ambassador William Popp by Monday morning to apologize or leave the country, according to reports.

The military chief did not specify exactly what offense Ambassador Popp had committed and embassy sources told local media that the outburst came as a complete surprise to them.

General Muhoozi Kainerugaba continued to escalate his arguments with Ambassador Popp in his social media posts. AFP via Getty Images

General Kainerugaba, son of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, made the request earlier this week on of Popp has not been described.

Dear fellow Ugandans, the general wrote in since-deleted tweets, according to The East African. It is my solemn duty to announce to you that we, as a nation, are about to have a serious confrontation with the current United States Ambassador to our country. For disrespecting our beloved and famous President and undermining the Constitution of Uganda.

Ambassador William Popp.

Kainerugaba continued: If the current US ambassador does not apologize to Mzee [sic] personally by Monday morning (9am) for his undiplomatic behavior in our country, we will demand that he leaves Uganda.

The president's descendant added that he has no problem with the United States, but added recently that we have plenty of evidence to show that they are working against the NRM government.

William Popp, the United States Ambassador to Uganda, visits St. Mary's Lacor Hospital in Gulu, Uganda in 2023. @lacor_hospital/X

It is not clear what type of activity Ambassador Popp is accused of or whether the two men had a dispute of a personal nature.

An embassy source told The East African that they were caught off guard and were trying to analyze the situation.

Our nearly $1 billion supports local institutions and organizations every day to improve health education and prosperity for millions of Ugandans, said an embassy statement provided to this media outlet. “The United States Embassy, ​​Ambassador, and Government continue to work directly and normally every day with Ugandan authorities on a range of issues. »

Lt. Col. The general. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, right, speaks to Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka, left, during a “Thanksgiving” ceremony in Entebbe, Uganda, Saturday, May 7, 2022. AP

Sewayana Livingstone, director of the NGO Foundation for Human Rights Initiative Uganda, said Kainerugaba must stay in his lane.

“He needs to calm down,” Livingstone told VOA News, “He needs to understand that Uganda, I brat, and he doesn't Uganda either. I think the Ugandans need to call him to order. He It’s high time.

Although the four-star general apparently deleted some controversial X-rated posts, he also continued to repost news articles detailing the current dispute.

Kainerugaba has a very active presence on social media. He has more than 10,000 publications and almost a million followers on X.

At home, Kainerugaba was criticized for his hyperactive presence on the Internet, but defended himself by writing on me to post all the time. .

The U.S. Embassy in Uganda did not respond to a request for comment at the time of publication and has not made any public statement about the dispute on any social platform.




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