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Prime Minister puts investment at the center of first national and regional consultation

Prime Minister puts investment at the center of first national and regional consultation
Prime Minister puts investment at the center of first national and regional consultation


The Prime Minister will convene leaders from across the UK for national and regional consultations in Scotland on Friday 11 October. A council focused on maximizing opportunities to deliver investment and growth across the UK. It comes as speakers for the UK government's first international investment summit have been confirmed.

Leaders from across the UK will gather in Scotland next week [Friday 11 October] The Prime Minister convenes the first national and regional council.

Just three days ahead of the International Investment Summit, the first committee will focus on investment and growth, an important moment to ensure everyone comes together to play their part to maximize the opportunities the summit presents for the whole of the UK.

As the UK Government seizes the opportunity to build new partnerships, reset relationships and secure long-term investments aimed at improving growth and living standards, the Committee will meet with First Ministers from across the UK and First Minister of Northern Ireland. , brought together deputy prime ministers and local mayors. All regions of the UK.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said:

I am determined to usher in a new era of stability, trust and partnership with businesses, investors, devolved governments and local leaders to revitalize the economy and restore Britain's reputation as one of the world's best places to do business.

I said we would do things differently, and that is why we are delivering on our promise to convene our first national and regional conferences, working as one team to maximize opportunities ahead of the Investment Summit.

There are no more Stories of the Past stores. Authentic, meaningful and meaningful action that will change the way we do business, redefine our place on the world stage and unleash Britain's full untapped potential to create better lives for everyone, everywhere. This is an intensive partnership.

West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin said:

This new era of true partnership between governments and markets will help us unlock the potential of our great region and drive growth.

The mayor is a champion for the region at home and abroad, attracting investment, creating good jobs and putting more money in people's pockets. Our investments in transportation, technology and housing create the right environment for growth by connecting businesses with talent and financing them. You must succeed.

Through partnership working and business listening, we ensure we make the long-term investments needed to help our country overcome the recession and face the future with confidence.

Local leaders and heads of local government have also been invited and expected to attend the international investment summit to build new partnerships with businesses to drive growth in every community and every community across the UK.

The first international investment summit led by the UK government will be launched by the Prime Minister, who is expected to take part in a conversation event with Eric Schmidt, the pioneer who transformed Google from a start-up into one of the world's most powerful companies.

Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google KBE, said:

Artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative technologies of our time. This will change the way economies everywhere work and determine which countries will remain competitive in the coming decades.

Last year, the UK demonstrated its commitment to being a leader in responsible innovation by hosting the first global summit on AI safety. The UK now has the opportunity to go further and articulate its vision for a future where the UK is a hub for world-class talent.

I look forward to discussing with the Prime Minister how we can drive greater investment in research and education to ensure the UK stays at the forefront of these technological innovations.

The summit will bring together British leaders, high-profile investors and companies from around the world at a historic location in central London, and will be confirmed by Ruth Porat, President and Chief Investment Officer, Alphabet and Google, Alex Kendall, Wayve CEO and Bruce Flatt. I plan to attend as a featured speaker. CEO of Brookfield Asset Management.

This event will provide an opportunity for the Government to build lasting partnerships with businesses to increase investment in the UK and give investors the certainty and confidence they need to drive growth.

Sponsored by Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, M&G plc, Octopus Energy and TSL.

Today’s announcement follows the Government confirming funding this week to launch the UK’s first carbon capture sites on Teesside and Merseyside. Promoting economic growth and environmental protection, new carbon capture and CCUS-backed hydrogen projects will create 4,000 new jobs, sustain vital UK industries and help eliminate more than 8.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions, equivalent to around 4 million tonnes each year. It will be. Cars off the road.

CS Venkatakrishnan, Barclays Group CEO, said:

The International Investment Summit is an important opportunity for the Government to further build investor confidence in line with its priorities to drive UK economic growth.

The UK's history of stability, technology and innovation makes it an attractive investment destination. The private sector plays an important supporting role in helping the economy. Barclays has made its largest ever capital investment in the UK to drive economic growth and continues to connect both domestic and international investors to opportunities across the UK.

Georges Elhedery, HSBC Group CEO, said:

From small and medium-sized businesses to multinationals, the enterprise, expertise and innovation of UK businesses offer enormous opportunities for partnerships and economic growth. Building on our long history of helping UK clients transact with the world and international clients investing in the UK, HSBC is delighted to support the International Investment Summit.

Charlie Nunn, Group CEO of Lloyds Banking Group, said:

The UK's business environment remains an innovative and dynamic destination for investors and global talent, and we are proud to support the International Investment Summit. Lloyds works with corporate and institutional clients in the UK and around the world to create jobs and growth, attract inward investment and increase exports. This is a vital way we help Britain prosper.

Andrea Rossi, CEO of M&G plc, said:

The UK has a clear national mission to stimulate economic growth and support wealth creation in every region of the country. M&G has been actively investing in the UK for 175 years, driving development and helping people, businesses and communities thrive. We continue to support diverse businesses, invest in critical infrastructure, and do our part to stimulate local economies. The International Investment Summit is a key moment to put the UK back on the investor map, showcasing market opportunities and strengthening how business and government can work together in partnership.

Greg Jackson, CEO of Octopus Energy, said:

The UK is a leader in green innovation and has a wealth of talent and skills needed to accelerate the global energy revolution. By investing in renewable energy and clean technologies in the UK, we're not only creating green energy for people, we're driving solutions that will empower the world. The International Investment Summit is a great opportunity to showcase the UK’s climate leadership and revolutionize the sector.

TSL Group CEO Jackie Wild said:

We are pleased to be a partner of the International Investment Summit. We founded TSL over 20 years ago with the vision of creating a UK export model for technical engineering and construction excellence. We are proud to deliver projects for international clients around the world to fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We are also continuing to drive inward investment into the UK food industry to protect national food security through the creation of SmartParc, a cutting-edge investment platform for food industry transformation.




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