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Gallant visits US as Washington considers IDF strike on Iran

Gallant visits US as Washington considers IDF strike on Iran


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is scheduled to visit Washington on Tuesday as the United States seeks to assess the scope of Israel's planned retaliation against Iran.

“Anyone who thinks that a simple attempt to harm us will deter us from taking action should take a look at [our achievements] in Gaza and Beirut,” Gallant said Sunday, less than a week after Iran attacked Israel with ballistic missiles.

“We are strong in both defense and attack, and this will be reflected in the way we choose, when and where we choose,” he said during his visit to the air base of Nevatim.

US President Joe Biden has been adamant about his opposition to an Israeli strike that would target either Iran's oil fields or its nuclear facilities. KAN News reported Sunday that the United States offered Israel financial incentives to change its attack plans.

US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew addressed the issue on Sunday at the annual Shabtai Shavit Global Summit of the International Institute for Combating Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University.

“What we have made clear publicly is that it is important that the situation does not escalate. [Israeli-Iranian violence] in a regional war.

“The president has made public comments that suggest the things that we believe create the greatest risk of a spiral.

“On the other hand, we did not say that Israel should just tolerate 200 ballistic missiles being fired at it in a little over an hour, even if it was two hours,” Lew said, noting the seriousness of these attacks.

He warned that the decision to destroy Iran's nuclear program was not one to make because Israel had enjoyed a few weeks of success in its military exchanges.

Khamenei speaks

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, warned Israel and the United States not to respond, in a message posted on X/Twitter.

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“What our armed forces have done is meted out the minimum punishment to this usurping Zionist regime in response to its appalling crimes. It’s a bloodthirsty regime, a wolf regime, and the rabid dog of the United States in the region.”

“Our armed forces’ brilliant Operation True Promise 2 was completely legal and legitimate. And if necessary, it will be done again in the future,” he wrote.

On the eve of the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, President Issac Herzog gave a rare interview to the Saudi news agency Al Arabiya in which he called on the people of the Middle East to unite in peace and those who oppose Iran to create an army. alliance against it, similar to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

“We are all the children of Abraham, and I call on the people of Lebanon, the people of Iran, the people of all oppressed nations in the region to stand up and understand that if we remove this evil empire, “If we face it and show firmness together, we can certainly hope for a better future and create a NATO-like structure in the region that blocks radicalism,” he said.

“Iran is the only country in the world that calls for the eradication of another United Nations member state, namely Israel,” Herzog said.

“I saw the Supreme Leader’s speech. There was no message of accommodation, of reaching out, or of saying, “Let us move forward together, two great historic nations to help change the lives of the people of the Middle East.” Instead, you see Iran spending billions of dollars of its own citizens' money on a massive war machine aimed at creating pain and havoc. So we either offer hope or we opt for destruction. Iran proposes destruction. We offer hope,” he said.

The United States, France and Britain supported Israel in its battle against Iran. Their armies, along with those of Israel and Jordan, took to the skies in April and again last week to defend the Jewish state against direct strikes from Iran.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday called for an arms embargo against Israel over offensive munitions used by the IDF in Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Macron in a telephone conversation on Sunday that an arms embargo on Israel while the IDF fights Iran and its proxies would only strengthen the Islamic Republic.

“Iran supports all components of its terrorist axis. Israel expects its friends to support it and not impose restrictions that would only strengthen the Iranian axis of evil,” the Prime Minister's Office said, paraphrasing Netanyahu's message to Macron.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot will be in Israel on Monday to express solidarity with the country as part of a regional visit he is making this week in light of heightened regional tensions.




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