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The Northern Lights are spectacular as people share their sightings of the Northern Lights | uk news

The Northern Lights are spectacular as people share their sightings of the Northern Lights | uk news
The Northern Lights are spectacular as people share their sightings of the Northern Lights | uk news


The Aurora has returned to the UK in stunning style, seen all over the country.

This year the famous Northern Lights appeared twice as far south as England, producing some amazing photos.

The phenomenon is mainly affected by geomagnetic storms, one of which the Met Office said was “severe” scheduled to reach Earth overnight on October 10.

Image: Great Chart Church, Ashford, Kent. Photo: PA Image: Brill, Buckinghamshire. Photo: Chris Noyce Image: Loddon, Norfolk. Photo: Michael Hewstone Image: Reading, Berkshire

This led to sightings of the Northern Lights across the UK on Thursday night, with reports of the Northern Lights being visible across the UK as far south as Sussex.

The Met Office said it would be visible in Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well as in northern England and the Midlands.

However, thanks to relatively clear skies, many more Britons were able to see it.

Image: Tallington Lakes, Lincolnshire Image: Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire Image: Photo: Nathan Chislet, Ebbw Vale, South Wales

Met Office spokesman Stephen Dixon said further viewings may be possible over the weekend, but this is likely to be limited to areas such as Scotland.

Rain and clouds may also obscure further sightings over the weekend.

Image: Northern Lights in north-east Lincolnshire Image: Blackrock, Dublin Image: Llandudno, North Wales Image: Deal, Kent

The solar cycle approaches its peak

Auroras are most common in the polar regions, but can sometimes spread south to parts of the UK.

The most influential geomagnetic storms often originate from the Sun. The sun operates in a cycle of approximately 11 years, with peak sunspot activity called solar maximum.

Sunspots offer the potential to release large bursts of energy, called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), toward Earth, which can cause auroral visibility.

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Image: St Neots, Cambridgeshire Image: Kilmacolm, Inverclyde. Picture: Louise Monaghan Images: Rugby, Warwickshire Follow Sky News on WhatsApp

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“We’ve seen more space weather events in recent months as we near the peak of the solar cycle,” Mr Dixon said.

“International forecast centers, including the Met Office Space Weather Operations Center, expect solar maximum to occur late this year or early next year.”

Auroras may still be visible past solar maximum, but such activity will be reduced.

Image: Expected around 8:30 PM on Thursday. Green means there is a 10% to 40% chance of seeing the light. Red is almost a 90% chance or higher. Photo: NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center

Aurora phenomena occur when charged particles collide with gases in Earth's atmosphere around magnetic poles.

As they collide with each other, they emit light of various wavelengths, creating an amazing sight.




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