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The Aurora twinkles over the UK in this stunning photo.

The Aurora twinkles over the UK in this stunning photo.
The Aurora twinkles over the UK in this stunning photo.


Cloudyapple/BBC Weather Watcher

Glenareef, Causeway Coast and Glens

The Northern Lights have once again filled the UK's night skies with vivid color and stunning photos have been captured across the country.

The glow, also known as the Aurora Borealis, was only expected to be visible as far south as the Midlands, but Thursday night was the strongest and most widespread of the phenomenon in the UK since May, according to BBC Weather.

The aurora forecast looks poor for Friday night, with cloud cover and rain expected to hamper viewing.

Sky watchers in the Shetland Islands have the best chance.

BBC Weather Watchers, readers and viewers sent in around 5,000 pictures of the lights following Thursday's display. We've included some of the best photos here, along with some agency photos and snaps shared with the BBC on social media.

kat lloyd


Spotting the Northern Lights over Renfrewshire

EmWin/Weather Monitor

Frith, Buckinghamshire

The Northern Lights can be seen across the UK and into continental Europe after a G5, the highest extreme geomagnetic storm on a scale of 1 to 5.

Many people were able to see the Aurora from 19:00 BST on Thursday. It then weakened slightly for a while before becoming stronger around midnight and continuing until early Friday morning.

Meteorologists recommend long exposure cameras when trying to capture the Northern Lights. This is because aurora phenomena are not always visible to the naked eye.

However, many people have reported being able to see some of the colors further south without using a camera.

For people in the UK, once-in-a-lifetime events or bucket list trips to the Arctic Circle have become more common over the past few years.

The largest geomagnetic storm since 2003 made the auroras particularly visible in 2024, according to Sean Elvidge, professor of space and environment at the University of Birmingham.

Ruth Davis



greater london

Michaela Howard


Caroline Alton


mat gravelling

Shea Green, Buckinghamshire


Angel of the North, Gateshead

Johnny Geos


Gracie Nuttall

Barrowford, Lancashire

Ian Johnson


kevin jackson

Son Lee Bank

mat fox

Fermanagh County

Auroral displays occur when charged particles collide with gases in Earth's atmosphere around the magnetic poles.

As they collide, different wavelengths of light are emitted, creating colorful displays in the sky.

Auroras are most commonly seen in the polar regions and are primarily influenced by geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity.

carol weston

Great Oxendon, Northamptonshire

alan forrest


There will be more Aurora sightings in the UK in 2024 than in recent years.

The increase in sightings in the UK is due to the sun reaching its “maximum” in its 11-year solar cycle.

During this maximum, the number of sunspots increases, resulting in more coronal mass ejections, sending charged particles toward Earth and creating auroras.

Due to the abundance of sunspots and overall high solar activity, it is likely that more coronal mass ejections to Earth will occur in the coming months.

But experts say that although the Aurora will be visible from the UK even after the sun passes its zenith, stargazers should expect a “gradual decline” in visibility.

Cloudyapple/Weather Monitor

Petersfield, Cambridgeshire

Steve Hubbard

Screaming, Cambridgeshire

katie green

Vineyards in Hullbridge, Essex

NatalieLovescake/BBC Weather Watcher

Llanybydder, Carmarthenshire




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