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The UK government must say what the Brussels reset means, EU delegates say | foreign policy

The UK government must say what the Brussels reset means, EU delegates say | foreign policy
The UK government must say what the Brussels reset means, EU delegates say | foreign policy


Keir Starmers' government must make clear what it wants from a reset in Britain's relationship with the EU, a British MEP in the European Parliament has said.

In his first interview since being elected head of the European Parliament delegation at the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership plenary session earlier this month, Italy's former European affairs minister Sandro Gozi said a realignment with the Starmer government was likely. Change in attitude.

Goji, a lawmaker from the French Democratic Movement party, which is allied with President Emmanuel Macron, said relations between the two countries were likely to enter a new phase.

The Italian politician said he was neither satisfied nor disappointed with the UK government's approach so far and was in listening mode. He said he thought it was the UK government that had to explain what a reset meant. He added that he hoped there would be more cooperation in the areas of foreign policy and security, green transition and artificial intelligence. But it is the British side that needs to see what is possible to tell us what we can do together.

Sandro Gozi, centre, said: We are very pleased to see the current UK Government reaching out again to find places where the EU and the UK can work together. Photo: Olivier Hoslett/EPA

He was speaking before a lunch between David Lammy and his EU representatives in Luxembourg on Monday. Brexit Lammy is not the first British foreign secretary to attend a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council since Liz Truss was a guest at an emergency meeting in March 2022, shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the Labor Secretary has attended one. This is the first time. We gathered all 27 EU ministers in one place.

The foreign minister will also hold a bilateral meeting with EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell, who chairs the meeting of EU foreign ministers. “I hope we can finally get Brexit back on track and now start a new chapter in our relationship with the UK,” a senior EU official said. The official said the meeting will be an important starting point in strengthening foreign policy cooperation with the UK. I am interested in security contracts. There's a lot we can do together.

As part of the government's plan to reset relations with the EU, Lammy has sketched out broad plans for a foreign policy and security agreement with the bloc that addresses the climate crisis, energy, pandemics and illegal migration.

However, the foreign minister is expected to discuss Ukraine and the Middle East issues with EU foreign ministers rather than discussing details of future agreements with the EU.

Asked about Ramis' thoughts, a senior EU diplomat said he was “very pleased to see the current British government reaching out again to find places where the EU and the UK can work together” and described both as natural partners. He said. The diplomat added that while security and defense need to be seen in the wider context of UK relations, it is very clear that we can all benefit from better and stronger cooperation.

The EU said the UK government must fully implement the existing agreement on Northern Ireland and the rights of EU citizens in the UK if relations are to improve.

Some allies of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have also criticized willingness to compromise on a proposed youth mobility deal that would give British and EU nationals the right to live, study and travel between the ages of 18 and 30. He said Britain would be judged. In the UK or EU countries for a limited time.

But Labor has opposed the proposals, fearing it would be perceived as a return to free movement of people.

Gozi added that he understood this was a very sensitive issue for the UK. At the very least, we should be prepared to actively discuss this issue between both sides. Because I personally believe that it is important to provide opportunities for young British citizens and young EU citizens. Very important.

Later this month he and members of his committee will travel to London to meet lawmakers and cabinet ministers. He said he hopes to forge a special partnership with the UK because there are existential challenges facing us all at a time of growing threats to liberalism, citing war in Europe, the climate crisis, global governance and the crisis of multilateralism. democracy. He added that from a military perspective, the UK is an inevitable partner.

Labor set out ideas for improving EU relations in its manifesto, but EU sources say they need to see detailed plans. Despite Labor's alignment with the Conservative red line and no single market or customs union, some EU sources describe the situation as similar to the situation following the 2016 referendum, when Brussels was unclear about what kind of relationship Britain wanted with the union. do.




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