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Harris losing ground to Trump in US presidential race, polls suggest | US Election News 2024

Harris losing ground to Trump in US presidential race, polls suggest | US Election News 2024
Harris losing ground to Trump in US presidential race, polls suggest | US Election News 2024


Democratic and Republican candidates find themselves in an impasse less than a month before the vote, according to a new poll.

Kamala Harris is losing ground to Donald Trump less than a month before the election for the presidency of the United States, a series of polls suggest.

Harris' lead over Trump has narrowed or even disappeared as the race for the White House nears its home stretch, according to three polls released Sunday.

In the latest NBC News poll, Democratic and Republican candidates are tied nationally at 48 percent ahead of the Nov. 5 vote, a turnaround from Harris' five-point lead in the same poll earlier this month last.

In the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll, Harris leads between 50 and 48 percent among likely voters. The Democrat led 52 percent to 46 percent in the same poll last month.

The latest CBS News/YouGov poll shows Harris up 51 percent to 48 percent among likely voters, up from a four-point advantage last month.

According to the latest figures, Harris holds a 1.4 percent lead in all major Real Clear Pollings, up from 2.2 percent on Saturday.

The tightening poll numbers come as Democrats worry that Harris will fail to consolidate support among Hispanics and African Americans, two of the party's key constituencies.

Although Harris leads among women of all races, she has struggled to generate enthusiasm among men, particularly African Americans and Hispanics, who have increasingly turned to Trump in recent years.

In New York Times/Siena College polls released Saturday and Sunday, Harris won the support of 78% of black voters and 56% of Hispanic voters, shares significantly lower than those won by Democratic candidates in the 2020 elections and 2016.

Former President Barack Obama on Thursday chastised black men for not showing as much enthusiasm for Harris' candidacy as they did during her 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

You're giving all kinds of reasons and excuses, I have a problem with that, Obama said at a campaign event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, one of seven key states expected to decide the election.

Because some of this gives me pause and speaking directly to men, it makes me think that, well, you just don't feel for the idea of ​​having a woman as president, and you come up with other alternatives and other reasons for this.

Harris and Trump continued to focus their campaigns on battleground states on Sunday, holding events in North Carolina and Arizona, respectively.

At a campaign rally in Greenville, North Carolina, Harris took aim at Trump for spreading false information about the government's response to recent hurricanes.

The problem, beyond the obvious, is that it then makes it harder to get vital information to people if they are led to believe they can't be trusted, Harris said.

And that's the pain of it all, is the idea that those in need have somehow been convinced that the forces are working against them in a way that prevents them from seek help.

Meanwhile, Trump used a rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona, to call for the hiring of 10,000 more Border Patrol agents.

After I win, I will immediately ask Congress to approve a 10 percent raise for all officers (they haven't had one in a long time) and a $10,000 retention and signing bonus for each, said Trump. We were going to hold them.




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