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Doctors say Britain's immigration system risks re-traumatizing asylum seekers | Immigration and Asylum

Doctors say Britain's immigration system risks re-traumatizing asylum seekers | Immigration and Asylum


Top doctors have said Britain's immigration system is causing harm to asylum seekers and risks re-traumatizing people already suffering psychological distress, a public mental health problem.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) has urged ministers to review immigration laws introduced by the last government, saying Labor has a moral and ethical obligation to protect the mental health of people seeking refuge in the UK.

RCPsych President Dr Lade Smith said strong immigration policies could be guided by fair, compassionate human kindness.

Smith said many asylum seekers suffered further trauma on the dangerous journey to the UK after leaving their countries where they suffered violence, rape, imprisonment and torture, sometimes at the hands of human traffickers.

As a result, it is not surprising that many asylum seekers suffer from mental illness and are at risk of being re-traumatized by the treatment they receive on arrival. She said it was Britain's duty to make their lives better, not worse.

She said the new government had brought about welcome policy changes, including scrapping plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, but a number of immigration bills introduced from 2022 remained in place.

The law criminalized asylum seekers who did not reach the UK through established channels, made asylum procedures more cumbersome and introduced provisions for asylum claims to be processed in so-called third countries.

The mental health of asylum seekers came into the spotlight last year after a resident committed suicide aboard the Bibi Stockholm floating accommodation barge in Dorset, which was notorious for its poor living conditions. The barge is scheduled to close in January.

The report, to be published by RCPsych this week, criticizes conditions in detention facilities such as asylum seeker hotels and some prisons, where physical and social isolation, sleep deprivation and surveillance of residents are common.

The report warns that the new government has not repealed illegal migration laws that paved the way for asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda. This leaves open the possibility of forced migration to so-called safe third countries in the future.

In Australia, there was evidence that asylum seekers had higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and self-harm when they were taken overseas to process their claims, the report said.

He added that the government has a moral and ethical obligation to ensure that all immigration laws explicitly protect and support people with mental illness.

Smith said: As the report makes clear, we particularly welcome the Government's commitment to repeal the Rwandan Bill. Because this bill does not allow people seeking refuge to receive proper evaluation and treatment for pre-existing mental illness.

She added: This report makes recommendations that, if adopted by policymakers and implemented by mental health services and clinicians, could alleviate some of the harm caused by the asylum application process.

A Home Office spokesperson said: All asylum seekers have access to mental health support through Migrant Help and welfare officers are also available to assist 24 hours a day. Of course, we will review all reports and make improvements where necessary.




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