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UK must repurpose Belfast shipyards to build green infrastructure | environment

UK must repurpose Belfast shipyards to build green infrastructure | environment


The British government should set up an indefinite company to buy the Harland & Wolff naval shipyard in Belfast as part of efforts to shift weapons manufacturing to green infrastructure production, according to a report.

Research from think tank Common Wealth is setting out what is being described as the 21st Century Lucas Plan, which sets out how the UK's military industrial capabilities could be converted into green energy supply pipelines, benefiting workers, communities and the environment.

As a first step, it is calling on the government to set up an off-balance-sheet public holding company similar to GB Energy to buy Belfast's Harland & Wolff shipyard, which went into administration last month.

Mathew Lawrence, director of Common Wealth, the think tank that first proposed publicly owned energy companies, said the policy now adopted by Labor means British manufacturing enjoys a series of strategic niches, from aerospace to shipbuilding, that could fuel a green industrial revolution. said.

Lawrence added: A proactive green industrial strategy that redirects the green industries of the future can deliver greater economic resilience, sustain the UK’s industrial capacity and contribute to decarbonisation. In the process, we can build a safer and more equitable future.

At least four of the Royal Navy's shipyards on the Forth, Lagan, Tyne and Mersey are already producing products for the offshore wind sector. Spanish state-owned shipbuilder Navantia is in talks to acquire Harland & Wolff, but a report on Friday argues the UK government should step in and repurpose workforce skills including welding, manufacturing and engineering to power the green economy. do.

Report author Khem Rogaly said Harland & Wolff is just one example of how industry capabilities can be transformed into green industries.

With public ownership and the right investments, the capabilities and skills of Harland & Wolffs' historic yard should be directed towards a green transition to bridge essential manufacturing gaps in the offshore wind sector and provide long-term security for workers.

The UK's military industry produces around 6 million tonnes of CO2 each year. The report argues that converting strategic sites to green manufacturing provides a pathway to develop green industries while reducing existing emissions.

Karen Bell, Professor of Social and Environmental Justice at the University of Glasgow, said: The UK arms industry is responsible for serious environmental and social harm, but this is often justified in the name of preserving national jobs. The Common Wealth report highlights that there is potential for alternative employment in the form of suitable, safe and green jobs.

Many of the workers at the Belfast shipyard are members of the Unite trade union. George Brash, the union's regional co-ordination officer, said Unite was in discussions with all key stakeholders and the government with the aim of securing employment and investment from Harland & Wolff.

He added: This workforce plays a critical role not only in shipbuilding, but also in building the renewable energy infrastructure needed for a sustainable future. It is important to protect these jobs, skills and the future of our shipyards.

The shipyard manufactures ships used by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, which is made up of RMT members. RMT chief executive Alex Gordon said the union supported the report, which strongly supports our policy to end the UK government's increase in arms spending.

He added: The best traditions of our trade union movement include working for peace, recognizing that the working class and its families are always the main victims of war, and socially useful and well-paid trade union jobs to replace investments in arms production. Includes the RMT campaign for . This includes a commitment to build a defense diversification campaign guided by the principles of a just transition, protecting the skills, jobs and communities that depend on it.




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