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An undercover film exposing British far-right activists has been pulled from the London festival | far right

An undercover film exposing British far-right activists has been pulled from the London festival | far right


A documentary exposing the race science network of British far-right activists and their links to wealthy American funders of eugenics research has been pulled from the London Film Festival (LFF) at the last minute due to safety concerns.

Organizers have made the heartbreaking decision to cancel this weekend's exceptional screening of Undercover: Exposing the Far Right due to concerns for the well-being of audiences, staff and security personnel working on site at the festival.

Havana Marking, the film's director who made headlines last week for identifying a sponsor of so-called race science research and highlighting the racist views of former London mayoral candidate Nick Scanlon, said the decision to cancel its release was a very unfortunate outcome. criticized. .

“I understand that the festival needs to take care of its staff, but I am upset that our film missed its scheduled theatrical release so late,” she said. We're told the LFF felt they couldn't show it due to security concerns. However, I believe that the power of the far right has been overstated, even though its influence is clearly dangerous.

Marking told the Observer he was concerned about the climate of fear created by recent far-right riots in Britain following the murder of three children in Southport.

She said that when the film came to us, we tried to come up with alternative ways to present it. But the riots made people too scared. I try to think of it as a reflection of the powerful content of the film, but it's increasingly difficult to make documentaries with political content, and it doesn't really help if you're not guaranteed to be screened.

At least the film is due to be released on Channel 4 on Monday. And in fact Channel 4 and the British Film Institute, which runs the festival, have actually been incredibly supportive of the film.

Festival director Kristy Matheson said the decision to cancel the screening was due to concerns that staff would feel uneasy.

She said the heartbreaking decision was made not to screen Undercover: Exposing the Far Right at LFF after exploring all possible options to screen the film at public film festivals. I think this movie is special and one of the best documentaries I've seen this year. But festival workers have the right to feel safe and have their mental health and wellbeing respected at work.

I have taken on board the expert opinions of my colleagues on the safety and wellbeing risks the screening may pose to our audience and team, which has influenced a decision we have not taken lightly. This film is incredibly important and we want it to be the best it can be.

The fly-on-the-wall documentary follows investigators from an organization called Hope Not Hate as they track down members of a violent and bigoted far-right group who are planning protests and intimidation campaigns. It also uncovers the links between British far-right activist and former private school teacher Matthew Frost, also known as Matt Archer, and Seattle-based billionaire Andrew Conru.

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Marking said he filmed with Hope Not Hate for two years. Of course, the story kept changing and eventually riots broke out in England. Initially, we believed this would make the film more relevant. Of course, it is true that far-right activists like Tommy Robinson pose a threat, especially to Hope Not Hate members, but it would be a shame if their actions had this effect.

The documentary focuses on the work of the Human Diversity Foundation, an organization that uses podcasts, videos, websites and research papers to assert the genetic superiority of certain racial groups. He received more than $1 million from Conru, who made his money from a dating website. He withdrew his support after the Guardian report, saying it had deviated from its original mission of non-partisan academic research.




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