Telegram group publishes information allegedly leaked by the United States on the Israeli attack on Iran
A Telegram group has published what it says is leaked US information about Israel's attack plans against Iran. Middle East Spectator shared the documents but could not verify their authenticity. US officials have not yet publicly commented on the possible leak.
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A Telegram channel has published what it says are “highly classified” US intelligence documents analyzing Israel's plans to attack Iran.
The Middle East Spectator channel, which describes itself as an “open source information aggregator” independent of any government, said in a statement that it had “received, through an anonymous source on Telegram who refused to identify, two highly classified documents from the American intelligence services, concerning the preparations of the Zionist regime for an attack against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Middle East Spectator said in its statement that it could not verify the authenticity of the documents.
No US or Israeli official has publicly commented on the possible leak. Axios reported that intelligence officials declined to comment but did not dispute the veracity of the documents.
When contacted by Business Insider for comment, a Department of Defense spokesperson said, “We are investigating these reports.”
The region is bracing for an expected Israeli attack on Iran. Israeli officials have announced plans to retaliate for the October 1 Iranian missile attack. The United States announced this month that it would send troops and a “terminal high altitude area defense (THAAD) battery” to Israel in response to the Iranian attack.
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The Iranian missile attack on Israel came in retaliation for Israel's assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in late September. Hezbollah is Iran's main proxy in the region.
Sean McFate, a national security and foreign policy expert at Syracuse University, told Business Insider in a text that Israel's plan to attack Iran was “not a surprise,” and he feels that a debate is underway within the government of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. which targets to choose.
He said the leak of the document was notable given that there are “not many Iranian sympathizers in the U.S. government.”
“It’s also a tense time between Biden and Bibi right now,” McFate said, “and all in the shadow of the election.”
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