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New air defense laser engages multiple missiles at once

New air defense laser engages multiple missiles at once


The air defense laser destroys 100% of targets in live-fire tests.

Equipment fitted to British military aircraft to defeat missile threats.

Collaboration between Dstl scientists and UK industry partners will help support 1950 jobs across Scotland.

RAF pilots are a step closer to being fitted with a state-of-the-art laser self-protection system after a 100% successful live-fire test.

The laser is designed to be fitted to a range of RAF aircraft, including the intelligence-gathering Shadow R2 and A400M transport aircraft, ready to quickly detect and destroy threats such as missiles.

During testing at the Vidsel test site in Sweden, the operational system defeated multiple infrared heat-seeking missiles launched simultaneously.

100% of threats were quickly eliminated using pinpoint accuracy lasers, designed and developed through a Team Pellonia partnership between Leonardo UK, Thales UK and the MODs Institute of Defense Science and Technology.

Secretary of Defense John Healey said:

Identifying, tracking, and defeating threats from the air in seconds is critical to gaining an advantage over those who seek to do us harm.

We are equipped with the latest technology to keep our troops safe and provide an operational advantage.

This advanced laser is another excellent example of collaboration between Dstl experts and the UK defense industry.

The system operates as the Thaless Elix-IR threat warning system and uses a series of algorithms to quickly detect and identify missile launches, filtering out background clutter to track, classify and declare only valid threats.

Once the threat is classified, an alert is sent to the Leonardo Miysis oriented infrared countermeasure, which moves to track the incoming missile and sends a jamming laser at the missile with utmost precision.

You can defeat this threat faster than it takes you to read this sentence. This British engineering capability provides MOD with the best protection of the latest generation, while enjoying full operational independence and providing the same freedom to export customers.

Senior military officers from several NATO countries witnessed the test in action.

Mark Elson, Head of Air Survivability at Dstls, said:

The UK's Defense Support System is the culmination of the Department of Defense's detailed understanding of changing threats, along with many years of sustained Defense investment in science and technology fostered within Dstl. This was linked to the development capabilities of commercial partners through Team Pellonia.

The system design has the agility to protect current and future platforms, delivering long-term operational benefits to the UK and its allies. This is made possible through Spiral Development, which provides features such as Dstl-developed jamming waveforms that neutralize the guidance of missile threats.

Dstls research programs and partnerships, such as Team Pellonia, are driving UK economic growth, supporting both local and national economies by sustaining 700 jobs at Thales in Glasgow and 1,250 specialist roles at Leonardo in Edinburgh.

Mark Stead, Senior Vice President of Radar and Advanced Targeting at Leonardos, said:

The results of these latest tests speak for themselves and demonstrate the technology and experience of Leonardo, a global leader in directional infrared countermeasures. Miysis DIRCM has once again proven itself to be a reliable and effective protection system and is in operation today on many platforms.

We would like to thank the Miysis team for demonstrating outstanding leadership and technical capabilities during Vidsel's trials and demonstrating their capabilities to help protect our forces in collaboration with our defense and industrial partners.

Stephen McCann, Thaless Managing Director, Optronics & Missile Electronics, UK, said:

As previously witnessed at SALT 3 in 2018, Elix-IR underwent comprehensive and complex multifaceted testing to demonstrate its world-leading capabilities as the latest generation multi-function infrared threat warning system.

I am very proud of the entire team who supported Team Pellonia, UK, and other NATO member teams in preparing and executing this event. The UK Ministry of Defense has adopted Elix-IR as its core reference capability threat warning program due to its maturity and proven capabilities.




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