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Top UK law firm to increase hourly rates by 40% within 5 years

Top UK law firm to increase hourly rates by 40% within 5 years


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Britain's top 10 law firms are charging clients almost 40% more per hour than they did five years ago as fees rise due to inflation and the growth of US firms in London, a survey has found.

The largest UK-based firms by revenue will charge an average of 449 per hour in 2024 compared to 321 in 2019, with average rates rising by double digits across the top 100 firms, according to PwC's annual law firm survey published on Monday. . British company.

The rise in hourly prices comes as the top 10 firms log more billable hours at all levels, from trainees to partners, and lawyers benefited from a robust trading and litigation market last year. As a result, UK fee income in the most recent financial year increased by an average of 11.6% for the top group.

A group of UK-based multinationals surveyed by PwC have been struggling in recent years with high inflation and a renewed war for talent driven by the expansion of wealthy US companies in London. These pressures have led to sharp increases in salaries as international companies headquartered in the city try to remain competitive.

But one advantage of the massive American investment in British capital was rising interest rates. American companies tend to charge more per hour than British companies, which has allowed British companies to raise their prices. According to recruiters, American firms now charge more than $2,000 per hour at the highest level, while top partners at UK competitors charge more than $1,000 per hour.

Mark Anderson, global legal and professional services leader at PwC, said the UK's top 10 law firms had successfully increased their rates through increased professional services, inflation and a boost to corporate and trading markets following the pandemic.

Anderson added that the influence of American companies building teams in London was also a key factor.

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But Anderson warned that it would be difficult for British companies to maintain their pace of growth, even though interest rates are on average lower than those for top US companies. Customers are likely to push back against rapid increases as they attempt to manage their own costs.

Meanwhile, corporate payroll costs are increasing. British magic circle outfits Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Linklaters, Clifford Chance, A&O Shearman and Slaughter and May have all increased salaries for newly qualified lawyers by 20% this year, to 150,000.

PwC found that cyber risk was the top concern for law firms this year, with 90% of the top 100 being extremely or somewhat concerned about it. This represents a different response from last year, when macroeconomic volatility was the biggest issue.

Law firms are attractive targets for hackers because of the amount of data they hold. Legacy Allen & Overy (now A&O Shearman) suffered a cyberattack on its systems last November, attributed to the hacking group LockBit.

Companies are also investing heavily in artificial intelligence, with nearly 90% of the top 100 saying they have piloted or implemented generative AI tools, compared to 55% in 2023, according to the report.




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