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US investigates apparent leak of Israeli plan to attack Iran

US investigates apparent leak of Israeli plan to attack Iran


President Joe Biden is “deeply concerned” about a leak of classified documents containing the US assessment of Israeli plans to attack Iran, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said.

Authorities have not determined whether the documents were leaked because of a hack or a leak, Mr. Kirby said.

House Speaker Mike Johnson confirmed the release of the documents over the weekend. They would be supposed to contain the movements of Israeli military assets in preparation for a response to the Iranian missile attack of October 1.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the country was ready to counter any Israeli attack.

The documents, classified top secret, could be shared within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance bringing together the United States, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, reported CBS, the American partner from the BBC.

There is no “indication” that additional documents will be “[find] their way into the public domain,” Mr. Kirby said Monday.

He added that President Biden will “actively monitor” the investigation to find out how the documents were leaked, and he intends to learn what steps will be taken “to prevent this from happening again.”

For weeks, Israel has been deciding how and when to respond to the latest Iranian missile attack. The Israeli Defense Minister warned that this attack would be deadly, precise and surprising.

Both documents appear to be attributed to the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency (NSA), and were posted on Friday to an Iran-aligned Telegram account.

Johnson, the highest-ranking member of Congress, told CNN on Sunday that “the leak is very concerning.”

“Serious allegations have been made, an investigation is underway and I will have a briefing on this in a few hours,” the Louisiana Republican lawmaker said.

The Pentagon confirmed in a statement that it was aware of the information regarding these documents, but did not provide additional comment.

The U.S. agencies involved, as well as the Israeli government, have not made public comments.

CNN and Axios were the first to report the alleged leak, which appears to once again confirm that the United States is spying on its close ally Israel.

One document refers to Israel's nuclear capabilities – which neither the United States nor Israel has ever officially recognized – apparently ruling out the use of such an option in any planned strike.

A former US intelligence official told the BBC that the unauthorized publication was likely an attempt to reveal the scale of the planned retaliation, or even disrupt it.

The United States is investigating whether the information was intentionally leaked by a U.S. agent or if it was stolen, possibly through hacking, officials told the Associated Press (AP).

Both documents appear to be based on satellite information obtained on October 15 and 16.

The first is titled: “Israel: Air Force continues preparations for strike against Iran, conducts second large-force exercise,” according to the Reuters news agency. It describes the handling of ballistic and air-to-ground missiles.

The second is titled: “Israel Defense Forces Continue Key Munitions Preparations and Covert Drone Activities, Almost Certainly for Strike on Iran.” He discusses Israeli drone movements.

On Friday, US President Joe Biden said he had a “good understanding” of what Israel was planning.

“Do you have a good idea of ​​what Israel will do now in response to Iran… and when it will actually respond?” a journalist asked him.

“Yes and yes,” Biden replied.

“Can you tell us?” » asked the journalist.

“No and no.”




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