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US ready to support Ukraine's NATO candidacy (report)

US ready to support Ukraine's NATO candidacy (report)


The United States could prepare for Ukraine's upcoming NATO membership, new report suggests, as kyiv steps up calls for alliance membership despite long-standing concerns over possible expansion of the war.

American officials “no longer have any objection in principle to a simple invitation”, reported the French daily Le Monde on Saturday. “If [Vice President] Kamala Harris is elected, one could imagine [President Joe] Biden is moving in this direction during the transition period,” the newspaper reported, citing an unnamed European diplomatic source.

Newsweek has contacted the White House by email for comment.

Weeks ahead of the US presidential elections, which will see Harris and former President Donald Trump face off, kyiv has renewed calls for NATO membership and tried to shore up support for its war against Moscow.

President Joe Biden (R) meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky December 21, 2022 in Washington DC. The United States could prepare for Ukraine's upcoming NATO membership, according to a new report. President Joe Biden (R) meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky December 21, 2022 in Washington DC. The United States could prepare for Ukraine's upcoming NATO membership, according to a new report. AP Photo/Patrick Semanski

NATO said in 2008 that Ukraine would one day join the alliance and has always said that kyiv's future depends on NATO. However, the timetable for Ukraine's integration into the alliance has never been clear, with NATO wanting to avoid direct involvement in the conflict and unsure how Russia might respond.

“There is a war going on. I think we need to resolve this, we need to restore Ukraine's sovereignty over its territories and then make sure the path to NATO is open,” said MP Gerry Connolly, President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. » the US-backed Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty channel in an article published on Sunday. “I understand a certain haste and impatience on the part of the Ukrainians.”

In subsequent remarks, the Democrat said he believed “President Biden was — and still is — sympathetic to Ukrainian aspirations, including NATO membership.” But it is not possible for the US president to take “specific actions without consulting other NATO allies”, Connolly said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cites NATO membership as the first of his criteria for achieving what he calls his “victory plan”, presented to Ukraine's supporters in recent weeks.

“It would be politically wrong to leave Ukraine outside the Alliance when, in practice, Ukraine is already part of NATO,” Zelensky told NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, according to a statement issued by the Ukrainian presidential office. “Ukraine truly deserves to one day become the 33rd member of NATO, and we will do everything to make that happen.”

During a visit to Belgium earlier this week, Zelensky said kyiv faced the choice of nuclear weapons or NATO membership for its security.

“Who gave up their nuclear weapons? All of them. Only Ukraine,” Zelensky said during a speech in Brussels. “Who is fighting today? Ukraine.” The Ukrainian leader then clarified that kyiv did not intend to produce nuclear weapons, but intended to emphasize that “there is no stronger security guarantee for us than membership in NATO.”

Ukraine retained a stockpile of nuclear weapons after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1994, Ukraine renounced these nuclear weapons, although kyiv did not have final control of Soviet nuclear weapons before committing to nonproliferation.

Ukraine subsequently received a series of security guarantees from the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom.

Former head of Ukraine's armed forces and current Ukrainian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Valery Zaluzhnyi, said Thursday during an appearance at the Chatham House think tank in London that NATO is the only option to realize security of Ukraine.

“If we don’t get an invitation from NATO, morale will go down,” Zelensky told the Financial Times in an interview published Friday.

“I don't know what offer will be made to us after [U.S.] elections,” Zelensky added.




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