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Less than a quarter of UK workers want alcohol at social events, a new study has found.

Less than a quarter of UK workers want alcohol at social events, a new study has found.


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Only one in four UK employees like to drink alcohol at work social events, with just over half attending events outside of work due to travel time and family commitments.

24% of UK workers say alcohol is a problem. [they] A large-scale survey commissioned by catering group Compass found that 2,000 respondents wanted to be seen at work-related social events.

The study of 30,000 people in 21 countries found that only 52% of UK workers took part in out-of-hours events, with respondents citing family, sport, care commitments and travel time as barriers to participation.

In a sign that young people's alcohol consumption is decreasing, 55% of UK students said having non-alcoholic drinks at work-related events was a good way to promote inclusivity, compared to 49% globally. About 59% said they expected their future employers to participate in gaming-based events.

Compass reports that a poll conducted by data research firm Mintel found that the days of traditional after-hours office parties centered around alcohol are over, and student responses showed that immersive and inclusive events are key to attracting future employees. .

Christmas is the most important time of year for revenue for the hospitality sector, and companies that help organize office parties say demand from clients is shifting towards non-alcoholic activity-based events that begin during working hours.

Sales of low-alcohol beer in the UK grew more than any other market last year, driven by a rise in health-conscious consumers.

Convene, which provides workspace and venues for events, said the number of event contracts adding mocktails doubled in the UK last year, compared with an average 10% increase globally.

UK managing director Niamh Martin said the company would also be offering a completely non-alcoholic package option for parties from early next year and was receiving increasing requests for a separate non-alcoholic bar.

Participation in parties that started at 4pm or 5pm in Convenes London office spaces was 45% higher compared to parties that started at 6pm, she added.

Restaurant Associates, a subsidiary of Compass that provides catering for events and office parties, said demand for non-alcoholic beverages has surged at least 50% compared to before the pandemic.

UK marketing director Gavin Gooddy said the company was increasingly focusing on engaging social activities, such as events where attendees could meet and dine with celebrity chefs.

Employees have a reason to speak up [their] Although they are colleagues, they [also] He said he wanted to get something from us.

Social venue operators say shared activities can help bosses build team culture when employees split their week between the office and home and have less face-to-face contact.

Alex Harman, boss of Toca Social, a chain of bars offering indoor football across the UK, said 20% of bookings came from employers looking for team-building opportunities.

Research shows that 45% of hybrid workers globally say they would come to work more often if they had more opportunities to socialize with colleagues.




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