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Son of Singapore founder says Britain grants him asylumExBulletin

Son of Singapore founder says Britain grants him asylumExBulletin


Lee Hsien Yang (right) greets friends and family members who pay their respects to the late Lee Kuan Yew during a private family funeral at Singapore's Istana, or Presidential Palace, on March 24, 2015. Wong Maye-E/AP .

Transition caption Wong Maye-E/AP

LONDON Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother of former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said on Tuesday he had become a “political refugee” after the British government granted him asylum from persecution in his country.

The Lee brothers are the sons of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore. They have been publicly arguing over the late patriarch's home since 2017, with Mr Lee Hsien Yang accusing the Singapore government of persecuting him, his wife and son.

In a Facebook post Tuesday, he said he had applied for asylum protection in 2022 “as a last resort.”

“The Singapore government's attacks on me are on public record. They prosecuted my son, filed disciplinary proceedings against my wife, and launched a bogus police investigation that lasted several years,” he wrote. “Based on these facts, the UK has determined that I face a risk of persecution and cannot safely return to Singapore.”

“I remain a Singaporean citizen and hope that one day it will be safe to return home,” he added.

The Guardian on Tuesday published an interview with Lee Hsien Yang, strongly criticizing the Singapore government and claiming it promoted money laundering.

“People need to look beyond Singapore’s bold and false claims and see what the reality is,” he said. “The world needs to take a closer look at Singapore’s role as a major facilitator of arms trafficking, dirty money, drug money and cryptocurrencies.”

The Singapore government said in a statement that the claims contained in the Guardian's report were unfounded. The city-state said it had “robust systems in place to prevent and address money laundering and other illicit financial flows, which are in line with international standards.”

“No one is above the law in Singapore. Anyone, including the descendants of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, can be investigated and brought before the courts,” he added.

Lee Hsien Yang, who died earlier this month, and his older sister, Lee Wei-ling, accused their eldest brother of abusing his power to prevent the demolition of their home in line with the wishes of their father, who led Singapore's death in 2015. Steel grips for over 30 years.

Due to a family feud, Lee Hsien Yang and his wife were embroiled in an official investigation into allegations that they provided false evidence in judicial proceedings regarding Lee Kuan Yew's will.

Lee Hsien Loong resigned in May after 20 years as CEO. He passed power to his deputy, Lawrence Wong, but still holds a cabinet position as a senior minister.

Britain's Home Office had no immediate comment when asked about Lee Hsien Yang's asylum status.




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