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Britain and Germany sign defense deal as they watch Russian threat | nato news

Britain and Germany sign defense deal as they watch Russian threat | nato news


The first defense agreement between the two countries has been signed as the British government pushes for a reset with Europe.

Britain and Germany have signed a bilateral defense agreement to counter growing security threats, particularly from Russia.

The deal, struck on Wednesday, saw Europe's two biggest spenders pledge to cooperate on exercises on NATO's eastern flank amid concerns about a possible escalation of the war in Ukraine. It also marks a step in the UK government's efforts to reset relations with European countries.

British Defense Secretary John Healey said the agreement, dubbed the Trinity House Agreement, would strengthen Europe's defense capabilities.

We share the same threats: the war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, and increasing Russian aggression. We share the same values ​​of democracy, individual freedom and the rule of law, he said.

His German counterpart Boris Pistorius said the deal would strengthen NATO's European pillar.

The United States will shift its focus further to the Indo-Pacific region, he noted.

The deal comes as the war intensifies, with Russia invading Ukraine in February 2022.

Ukraine's capital Kiev and its European allies are concerned about the outcome of the US presidential election in November, which could affect US financial and military support.

Two Defense Ministry officials also expressed concern over reports that North Korean troops are being deployed to support a Russian invasion.

Wider deal in progress

Britain's Labor government, in power since last summer's election, is seeking to reset relations with Europe on a range of issues.

The British government has pledged to sign a security deal with Germany within six months of taking office, and ministers said a broader bilateral deal was expected to be signed in early 2025.

Under the contract signed on Wednesday, German submarine hunter aircraft are expected to operate periodically from Scottish military bases to patrol the North Atlantic.

The two NATO allies will also work together to develop new weapons with greater range and accuracy than existing long-range missile systems such as the Storm Shadow provided by Britain to Ukraine.

The two countries will cooperate in the field of armed vehicles and ground-based drones, while also working to equip the German Sea King helicopters provided to Ukraine with modern missile systems.

They will also work more closely to protect vital underwater cables in the North Sea.

German defense giant Rheinmetall is expected to create at least 400 jobs by opening a factory to produce gun barrels using British steel.

While the first agreement between the two countries was bilateral, the signing means the UK, Germany and France will now all have defense agreements with each other, opening the door to further cooperation.

In 2010, Britain signed the Treaty of Lancaster with France. Germany and France agreed to the Aachen Treaty, which will come into effect in 2020.




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