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UK, Germany sign Trinity House defense agreement

UK, Germany sign Trinity House defense agreement


The UK and Germany have signed the landmark Trinity House Agreement, ushering in a new era of defense cooperation between the two countries.

Defense Secretary John Healey and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius signed the agreement in London. This represents an important milestone in NATO's efforts to strengthen regional security.

The Trinity House Agreement aims to strengthen national security while boosting both countries' economies, supporting investment and creating jobs. One of the key aspects of the deal is the establishment of a new gun barrel factory in the UK, which will be operated by German defense company Rheinmetall.

The plant will create more than 400 jobs and contribute nearly half a billion pounds to the UK economy over the next 10 years. This is the first time in 10 years that the factory has manufactured gun barrels in the UK using British steel produced by Sheffield Forgemasters.

The agreement also includes a wide range of cooperative defense projects spanning the air, land, sea, space and cyber domains. The two countries will work together to develop expanded long-range strike weapons, including new systems designed to provide greater precision and range than current technology, such as Storm Shadow. Additionally, the partnership will support the continued manufacturing of Boxer armored vehicles in the UK and explore new developments in ground-based drone and Sting Ray torpedo procurement.

Defense Secretary John Healey described the Trinity House agreement as “a milestone in our relationship with Germany and a moment in which we significantly strengthen the security of Europe.” “This will secure a new, unprecedented level of cooperation with the German military and industry, benefit our common security and prosperity, protect our shared values ​​and strengthen our defense industrial base,” he added.

The agreement marks the culmination of months of negotiations, with the groundwork laid during Healey's visit to Berlin last July. It is also the first pillar of a broader Anglo-German pact promised by Chancellor Kir Starmer and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz earlier this year.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius praised the agreement, saying, “Britain and Germany are getting closer.” Through projects spanning the air, land, sea and cyber domains, we will jointly strengthen our defense capabilities, strengthening Europe’s pillar within NATO.” He also said it was important to maintain a strong European defense presence, especially in the face of continued Russian aggression.

A notable feature of the agreement is cooperation to protect critical underwater infrastructure, such as undersea cables in the North Sea, through joint exploration of new undersea surveillance technologies. Additionally, German P-8 Poseidon aircraft will operate regularly from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland to monitor and protect the North Atlantic.

The agreement also stipulates further cooperation on maritime drones and the development of new maritime unmanned aerial systems. The two countries will continue to work together on initiatives to integrate air defense systems and strengthen the protection of European airspace, building on the agreement recently signed at the NATO Defense Ministers' Meeting.

Armin Papperger, CEO and Chairman of Rheinmetall AG, praised the contract, noting that the company's investment in the new gun barrel facility “reflects our forward-looking approach to innovation, cooperation and defence.” He added that the deal will ensure the UK remains at the forefront of defense technology development.

Gary Nutter, CEO of Sheffield Forgemasters, said: “We are delighted to confirm that Sheffield Forgemasters has resumed gun barrel manufacturing after 20 years, supplying large bore gun barrels to Rheinmetall AG in Germany. “He said. We provide UK defense contracting and export services.”

The Trinity House agreement comes at a time of heightened tensions in Europe, especially given Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine and efforts to increase weapons production.




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