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US election briefing: Former chief of staff John Kelly says Trump fits the definition of fascist | US elections 2024

US election briefing: Former chief of staff John Kelly says Trump fits the definition of fascist | US elections 2024


With two weeks until Election Day, Donald Trump's former chief of staff claimed his former boss fell into the general definition of fascist.

John Kelly, a former Marine general and presidential aide from 2017 to 2019, made the extraordinary intervention Tuesday in a series of coordinated interviews. Speaking to the New York Times, he said the former Republican president prefers the dictatorial approach to government and is the only president who has virtually rejected what America is. Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, told the Times that Kelly's accounts were debunked stories and that Kelly had made a fool of himself.

Speaking to the Atlantic, Kelly recounted that Trump said he wanted his military personnel to show him the same deference that Nazi generals showed Adolf Hitler. The Trump campaign denied the exchange, with one adviser telling CNN: “It's absolutely false.” President Trump never said that.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz said reported comments about Hitler's generals make me sick. My friends, the guardrails are gone, Walz said at a rally in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Trump sinks into this madness.

Here's what happened on Tuesday:

Kamala Harris campaign updates

Vice presidential candidate Tim Walz held a rally with former President Barack Obama in Madison, Wisconsin, where he criticized Trump's campaign event at a Pennsylvania McDonald's as a stunt and Elon Musk is mocked for jumping around, jumping around like a fool before holding another rally in Wisconsin that evening.

Meanwhile, Obama ridiculed Trump's boasts about the economy and cast his rambling speeches as a sign of mental deterioration. You'd be worried if Grandpa did that, Obama said. But this is coming from someone who wants unchecked power.

Eminem introduced Obama at a rally in Detroit later Tuesday, where the Democratic powerhouse began his remarks with the opening lines of the rapper's hit Lose Yourself. Bruce Springsteen will headline two concerts as part of a series that will hit every swing state, the Harris campaign has confirmed.

Harris herself said she had no doubt that the United States was ready to have a female president, in an interview with Hallie Jackson of NBC News. I am clearly a woman. I don't need to report it to anyone, Harris said with a laugh. The point that really concerns most people is: can you do the work and do you have a plan to actually focus on them?

Harris courted Hispanic voters by promoting small business loans for Latino men, in an interview with Noticias Telemundos Julio Vaqueiro. Harris pledged to provide more funding to community banks to help Latino men access small business loans. Hispanic men often have a harder time getting loans from banks because of their connections and the fact that things aren't necessarily set up for them to qualify, she said.

Donald Trump campaign updates

Trump also reached out to Hispanic voters, holding a morning roundtable with Latino leaders at his golf course in Doral, Florida. Trump tackled familiar talking points, but took his time to address issues important to the voting bloc. The event ended with a group of prominent evangelists praying as they stood around Trump with their hands on his shoulders as he sat with his eyes closed.

At the same event, the former president launched a series of personal attacks against his opponent, calling Harris lazy and low IQ. He was referring to the fact that Harris did not hold any public campaign events on Tuesday, instead recording the two interviews after a busy day of campaigning with Liz Cheney on Monday. At a subsequent rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, Trump continued his invectives: Is she drinking? Is she on drugs?

JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, sidestepped a question about whether he would revoke the status of legally authorized immigrants during his campaign in Peoria, near Phoenix, Arizona. Vance urged his supporters to work hard for the next two weeks to move the swing state to red.

The Republican campaign has filed an extraordinary complaint, claiming that the British Labor Party is interfering in the presidential election by recruiting and sending party members to campaign for Harris. It is understood that the volunteers campaign in the United States in their spare time, rather as part of their work for the Labor Party.

Elsewhere in the electoral campaign

Despite some setbacks, Republicans have pledged to continue their efforts to block certain overseas ballots. Court rulings rejected the Republican National Committee's efforts to block some Americans living abroad from voting in North Carolina and Michigan, but the party will continue its aggressive legal campaign.

The U.S. economy is poised for stronger growth than many rich countries, the International Monetary Fund said in its forecast. Without mentioning Trump by name, the IMF estimates that a shift toward undesirable industrial and trade policies could reduce global GDP by 0.5 percentage points in 2026.

Arab Americans slightly prefer Trump to Harris, new poll shows. The survey, conducted by the Arab News Research and Studies Unit in collaboration with YouGov, shows gridlock in Michigan, a key battleground state with a large Arab-American population.

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