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Trump accuses British Labor of 'foreign interference'

Trump accuses British Labor of 'foreign interference'


Donald Trump's campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) accusing the British Labor Party of “blatant foreign interference” in the U.S. election to support the Harris-Waltz campaign.

The complaint cites media reports of contacts between Labor and the Harris campaign and apparent volunteer efforts, claiming these amounted to illegal “donations.”

The BBC understands that Labor activists campaigning for the US Presidential election are doing so in their personal capacity.

Labor leader and British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer tried to tone things down, noting that Labor has long sent volunteers to U.S. elections.

It is considered normal for British party officials to have contact with their American counterparts. This has happened before between the Trump-led Republican Party and Britain's Conservative Party.

Asked by BBC political editor Chris Mason whether the incident risked jeopardizing future relations with the Trump administration, the British prime minister replied: “No.”

Sir Keir said the pair “established a great relationship”, referring to a dinner they had together at Trump Tower in New York last month.

The BBC has contacted the Harris-Walz campaign for comment.

The controversy appears to have started with a LinkedIn post asking people to travel to the US and saying nearly 100 people had signed up to go.

A post from Labor Party operations chief Sofia Patel said there were 10 “spots” available, adding: “We'll sort your house for you.”

It appears to have since been deleted.

The Trump campaign complaint cites this, along with newspaper reports that individuals linked to the Labor Party had traveled to the United States to work for the Harris campaign.

The complaint alleges that these reports create “reasonable inferences that Labor made and that the Harris campaign accepted illegal foreign donations.”

The complaint also notes a Washington Post report that communications were exchanged between the parties and that senior officials met privately.

The Trump campaign has also been compared to an international program in 2016, when the Australian Labor Party (ALP) sent a delegation to help Bernie Sanders' campaign.

However, in this case ALP paid airfare and daily allowance. The party and campaign each received civil penalties of $14,500.

The trip by British Labor Party activists is not organized or funded by the party, which party officials understand.

FEC rules allow foreign nationals to serve as campaign volunteers as long as they do not receive compensation.

A former labor activist who volunteered for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign said Trump's claims were “nothing more than a political gimmick.”

Matthew McGregor told BBC Radio 4's Today program that the most a foreign volunteer could receive was a bottle of water or pretzels.

Responding to Mr Patel's suggestion to 'triage' the homes of those who made the trip, Mr McGregor said it was common for Democratic activists to provide volunteers with spare rooms or sofas.

A Trump aide told the Today program that the proposed interference was “more of a perception issue than a legal issue.”

Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax Media, said stories are more important in the UK than in the US right now, but added that they “could become a bigger issue” as the election approaches.




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