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New data laws announced to improve public services and grow UK economy by $10 billion

New data laws announced to improve public services and grow UK economy by  billion


New government legislation will unleash the power of data to grow the economy and improve people's lives. The Bill will free up 1.5 million police hours and 140,000 NHS staff hours each year, potentially saving lives. The bill would also support national mapping. The UK's underground infrastructure reduces digging incidents that cause traffic congestion and safety risks on our streets.

New legislation was tabled in Parliament today (Wednesday 23 October) that could harness the enormous power of data to grow the UK economy by £10 billion and free up the time of millions of police and NHS staff.

The Data Use and Access Bill will enable the safe and effective use of data in the public interest without straining national finances. These measures will be key to delivering on three of the five missions set out by the Prime Minister to rebuild Britain.

Start growing our economy, reclaiming our streets and building an NHS fit for the future.

Some of the key measures include freeing up 1.5 million hours of time per year by reducing bureaucracy for police officers so they can focus on solving crime rather than being bogged down by administrators. It will also make it easier for patient data to be transferred across the NHS, enabling frontline staff to make better, more informed decisions for patients more quickly, freeing up 140,000 hours of NHS staff time each year, speeding up treatment and improving patient health. It will improve your results.

Better use of data, according to the bill's provisions, will help people and businesses simplify important tasks, such as renting an apartment and starting work in a reliable way, verifying your identity online or activating electronic registration of births and deaths. You can get the job done. You can live without unnecessary managers.

Important safeguards will be maintained to track and monitor how personal data is used, providing peace of mind to patients and victims of crime. The NHS's IT systems operate to the highest standards of security and all organizations have governance arrangements in place to ensure the safe and lawful storage and use of data.

Skills Minister Peter Kyle said:

Data is the DNA of modern life and quietly drives every aspect of society and the economy without us noticing, from NHS care and social interactions to business and banking transactions.

It has huge potential to make our lives better, strengthen the National Health Service, cut shopping costs and save valuable time.

Through legislation to help ensure data is used safely and effectively, this Bill will boost the UK economy, free up vital time for frontline staff and help people get on with their lives free from unnecessary care.

The bill delivered by the Department for Science, Innovation and Skills has three key objectives: to grow the economy, improve UK public services and make people's lives easier. The measures will be backed by a revamped Information Commissioners Office, the UK's independent body responsible for regulating data protection and privacy law, with a new structure and enforcement powers to ensure people's personal data is protected to high standards. We will guarantee it.

improving public services

This Bill will unlock the power of data to reduce bureaucracy for frontline staff in the NHS and police across the country and provide better services to the public.

Police officers across the country will benefit from measures that eliminate unnecessary manual logging requirements whenever personal data is accessed to process a case (for example, whenever an officer needs to locate a suspect or person of interest in a police database). there is. 1.5 million hours of valuable police time for our officers, allowing them to fight crime on the streets without being mired in managers. This will help save taxpayers approximately $42.8 million each year.

The Bill also ensures that medical information, such as a patient's pre-existing conditions, appointments and tests, can be easily accessed in real time across all NHS trusts, GP surgeries and ambulance services, regardless of the IT system they use. IT vendors in the healthcare and healthcare sector must ensure that their systems meet common standards to enable data sharing across platforms. This legislation will free up 140,000 hours of NHS staff time each year, providing faster treatment to patients and potentially saving lives.

Wes Streeting, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, said:

The NHS is broken, but imagine the enormous potential it would have if each part of the system communicated properly with each other.

This starts with sharing important medical records between health care providers. Because it shouldn't be the patient's responsibility to connect the dots for the doctor.

How can a GP diagnose a problem without knowing about someone's recent hospital surgery?

This Bill and our 10-year health plan will ensure that vital data flows safely through the NHS, freeing up staff time and speeding up patient care.

I know people are worried about Big Brother. That's why data is only shared with the most relevant employees and anyone using it must adhere to strict security protocols.

Dame Diana Johnson, Minister for Crime, Policing and the Fire Service, said:

It is important that police officers can spend their time protecting the public in the field rather than in the office.

Freeing up this valuable resource will allow more police officers to hit the streets and make a real difference in fighting and solving crime.

As part of our mission to make our streets safer, this Government will relaunch community policing, ensuring thousands of additional police and community officers patrol our towns and communities.

Vin Diwakar, National Transformation Director at NHS England, said:

This bill is an important step toward creating a faster, more efficient health care system. As an NHS doctor, I know it is vital that NHS staff have faster access to more accurate and comprehensive data, giving them more face time with the patients who need it most.

These changes will establish a secure and seamless flow of patient information, improving clinical outcomes, more informed decisions, and faster delivery of care. By simply using data more efficiently, we can create a modern, digital NHS that saves time and money and continuously improves patient care.

economic growth

The bill is expected to generate around $10 billion for the UK economy over 10 years by legislating data sharing to deliver a range of benefits to both consumers and businesses.

Delivering on key Government manifesto commitments, this legislation will create the right conditions to support the future of open banking and the growth of new smart data initiatives. This model is one that allows consumers and businesses to securely share information with regulated and approved third parties. We generate personalized market comparisons and financial advice to help you save money.

This paves the way for the model to expand into sectors such as energy, allowing customers to compare utility prices, find better deals and reduce energy use, as well as fostering technological innovation and driving competition. Ultimately, grow the UK economy. This potential has already been demonstrated in open banking, with 82 companies alone raising more than $2 billion in private capital and creating more than 4,800 skilled jobs in fiscal year 2022-2023.

The bill would also help reduce the risk of groundwater and energy pipe and broadband cable accidents, which currently number 60,000 each year, resulting in long-term disruptions to road construction and access to key amenities such as energy and home broadband services. It may be interrupted.

The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) will create a legal framework for owners of underground infrastructure, such as water companies or telecommunications operators, to register their assets with NUAR, a comprehensive map of underground pipes and cables.

Registers allow companies to know exactly where underground assets are located, reducing the risk of pipe and cable accidents, making construction safer for workers and reducing the disruption and risk caused by holes dug into the street. . This will generate approximately $400 million in annual revenue, stimulate construction, and address accidental damage that currently costs the economy $2.4 billion annually.

Davey Stobbart, Regional Manager, Water Networks, Northumbrian Water:

Our field staff found the way information was presented in NUAR more useful than anything they had seen or used before. Reduces the time it takes for crews to understand what lies beneath the ground they are excavating.

In the field, we often find ourselves having to create exact excavation points that do not exactly match where office-based planners predicted. Previously this would have delayed work while a new planning pack was prepared. Now, with NUAR, our team can instantly pan and zoom to that point and see everything they used to see in every single plan, without any back-office cottage industry or delay. In fact, you'll be able to see more now that local authority information – including street lighting, highway ditches and tree conservation orders – is now easily accessible in one place through NUAR.

We have found NUAR to be a great addition to our toolbox to help reduce the likelihood of utility attacks, which are highly likely.

Making people's lives easier

The rules proposed in the Bill will make everyday life easier for Britons by simplifying important tasks such as renting a flat, starting a job and registering births and deaths, allowing people and businesses to get on with their lives rather than living alone. Bogged down by the manager.

The bill would establish laws regarding digital verification services. This means that companies offering identity verification tools can be certified under the government's rigorous trust standards framework and consequently receive a usable trust mark. Confidence in the market increases. , these efficiency gains will boost the UK economy by 4.3 billion over the next decade.

The trust mark will be a new logo showing that the digital verification service has been approved by the new Office for Digital Identity and Attributes (OfDIA) within the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).

This bill will ensure that digital verification services are comprehensive, secure and protects privacy, and will make it easier for people to know which services they can trust.

The Data Bill will modernize death registration in England and Wales from a paper-based system to electronic birth and death registration, paving the way to support people at one of the most difficult times in their lives. The new law will allow registrations required by local authorities to be carried out over the phone, eliminating the need for face-to-face registration while retaining choice.

Access to data for online safety research

The Bill will also strengthen the UK's approach to tackling online harm through powers to establish a researcher data access regime.

This allows researchers to access data archived across online platforms to conduct robust, independent research on online safety trends. These measures will strengthen transparency and evidence about the scale of online harm and what measures are effective in tackling it.

More information on specific measures can be found below.




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