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US presidential candidates join global shift to the right on immigration | US Election News 2024

US presidential candidates join global shift to the right on immigration | US Election News 2024


The trend extends beyond the United States and affects European countries like France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

In July, for example, the nativist Reform UK party won the third-largest vote share in the British election after a campaign in which the party's leader, Nigel Farage, promised an immigration freeze.

Then, in September, the staunchly anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) also became the first far-right party to win a national election in this country since World War II.

That month, he even almost brought down the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the state of Brandenburg.

Meanwhile, in France, Marine Le Pen led a coalition of parties known as the National Rally (RN) to third place in recent national elections, attacking immigration, Islam and multiculturalism.

Many centrist and left-wing parties responded with their own efforts to take a hard line.

In France, President Emmanuel Macron's government has attempted to deflate the far right by co-opting many of its ideas on immigration, promising new asylum restrictions and prison sentences for people entering illegally. France.

These measures are a response to conservative parties, like that of Prime Minister Michel Barnier, who are forming an unprecedented alliance with the far right.

It is undeniable that Michel Barnier seems to have the same judgment on migration as ours, Le Pen recently noted with satisfaction in the newspaper La Tribune.

While immigration is a central theme among Western far-right parties, it is not the only factor in their growing appeal.

A study published in Cambridge University Press in April 2023 found that economic austerity measures often leading to cuts in government benefits and services have helped fuel the rise of non-mainstream parties and political instability.

But immigrants can serve as scapegoats in a context of downward mobility.

Far-right populist parties are on the rise, ebbing and flowing, in various European Union countries, and they have made immigration a real flashpoint, said Judith Sunderland, associate director of the division Europe and Central Asia monitoring group. Human Rights Watch.

The result, she added, is that parties on both sides of the political spectrum are reacting to the new power of the far right.

The major parties of the right and left have slowly, and sometimes quite quickly, moved to the far right on these issues, in a race for votes and political support, with the argument that unless they do not adopt these policies, the far right will take over. on.




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