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Dean Forbes Named Most Influential Black Briton

Dean Forbes Named Most Influential Black Briton



Billionaire Dean Forbes said topping the list of influential black Britons was a “professional and career high”.

A man who was twice homeless as a teenager before becoming a millionaire entrepreneur has appeared on a list celebrating influential black Britons.

Dean Forbes, who started his career in a call center after an unsuccessful career as a professional footballer, is now the president of a software company.

He overcame “abject poverty” on an estate in south-east London to become CEO of Forterro, a Swedish software company.

Forbes said topping its 2025 Powerlist was a “professional and career high.”

He told the BBC that he grew up in a single-parent household in a housing estate in Lewisham, but that his disabled mother always encouraged her children to be positive and gave them hope.

He said he went through “whale times” living in a local community that “looked out for each other” despite having little money.

He said his mother taught him and his two brothers to “raise our expectations,” “never be a victim” and not dwell on misfortune.

He became homeless twice as a teenager, but said he and his family always viewed these as temporary difficulties to be overcome.

He took up a place at Crystal Palace Academy but was not successful.

He points out that failure was a key moment in his ultimate success because it made him more determined.

He said, “Thanks to that disappointment and rejection, I took a path I never dreamed of.”

He borrowed money to “keep up appearances” with “well-paid” friends like then-footballer Rio Ferdinand, but ended up $88,000 in debt.

To solve this, he found a job at a Motorola call center and was quickly promoted.

He moved on to a software company he helped found called Primavera, and made his first millions after the company was sold to Oracle. He secured a stake.

Forbes moved on from there and was CEO of two software companies, KDS and CoreHR, acquiring stakes and earning millions more each time.

He also holds a stake in Forterro, a company with annual revenues of more than 300 million (250 million) and profits of $130 million.

Despite his wealth, he said, “I don't want to lose the value of a pound.”

He was able to buy his mom a house, and his children “never had to deal with anything I had to deal with” in terms of poverty.

He now describes celebrities such as Ferdinand and actor Idris Elba as close friends.

But he told the BBC that his roots are still very important to him and that he wants to inspire and give opportunities to others who didn't start out with a head start in life.

'Open the door'

Forbes and his wife Danielle founded the Forbes Family Group, a charity for people in underserved communities.

They are working to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage and provide positive role models for people.

“My experience has made me painfully aware that there is so much talent in this community, all you have to do is open the door a little to give people a chance,” he said.

Forbes said the only successful black people he grew up with seemed to be doing “unsavory jobs” in entertainment, sports or criminal organizations.

He said he wants to make business success more “relevant” in part through mentoring and networking projects.

He ranked first in the Power List 2025, following his second place last year.

According to Powerful Media, the annual Powerlist was first published in 2007 with the goal of providing role models for young black people.

Forbes replaced British Vogue editor-in-chief Edward Enninful at the head of the list.

The top 10 2025 Power List are as follows:

1. Dean Forbes, CEO of software company Forterro

2. Bernard Mensah, International Chairman, Bank of America

3. Bank of England Chief Financial Officer Afua Kyei

4. Emma Grede, CEO of fashion brand Good American

5. Joshua Siaw, partner at law firm White & Case

6. Tunde Olanrewaju, senior partner at consulting firm McKinsey

7. Alexander Kent-Braham (founders of insurance company Marshmallow)

8. Adejoke Bakare, owner-chef of Michelin-starred restaurant Chishuru

9.St. Justin Onuekwusi, fund manager at Jamess Place;

10. Pamela Maynard, Chief AI Innovation Officer, Microsoft




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